Tord x Sad!Reader

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Thanks to @Leaarts for recommending this. its bad but its all I got >.<

Thanks for reading this TRASH


everything has been going down hill

your boyfriend kicked you out and broke up with you, cussing you out and not even giving you a second to speak. really, you did nothing but it still felt like a knife to your heart.

it was peacefully pouring, compared to the screaming inside your brain and the silent tears that leaked down your face.

you sat down underneath the blossoming cherry tree. everything around you was happy and peaceful, while you were stuck in the deep end. shoving your face in your palms, you wept. you sat there in the soaking rain, crying, until you suddenly didn't feel the heavy drops raining on your back. curious, you looked up.

there, sitting next to you, a guy holding his umbrella over your head. he had a bright red hoodie on with black ripped jeans. his hair was a light hazel, and his eyes were misty grey with silver dots in the iris.

"you alright?" his light Norwegian accent asked.

I dont know anymore.

you tried to respond to him, but you felt a sharp pain in your heart and broke, bursting into tears, with your face into your hands.


then, you felt arms wrap around you. he was... hugging you?

it was clear he doesn't know how to show empathy, much less hug, but this kind gesture was enough, so you hugged him back. "Nothing is going right! everything is falling apart and i have no one around to help! i have nowhere to live a-and..."

"shh... its ok..." you heard him say. it was weird enough you were talking to a stranger who didn't need to be in your messy life right now, but it was surprising that he actually cared. "why don't we get out of the rain and head to my friends house. ok?" you nodded in reply

-~- Time skoop -~-

once you reached the house, you were really tired. after crying all your energy out, sleep was first priority. you let out a giant yawn and your new "friend" noticed. "tired?"

you slowly nodded in reply.

"alright, first lets introduce you to my friends, then we will find you a place to sleep"

another nod.

once you walked in, you praised the air heater gods for blessing their gifts upon you. you surveyed the room and saw three guys. one had rusty ginger hair and a purple hoodie, another had messy hazel hair and a blue hoodie, and the other had chocolate brown cuddled in blankets, watching some Netflix.

"surprising. Tord brought a girl home," the blue one said.

'Tord' glared at blue, and you might have seen blush, but your brain was mush at this point, so who knows?

"hi! I'm Edd," the green one said, "the ginger hair is Matt, and sarcastic is Tom."

"H-Hi! I'm (y/n)."

they are all so nice to you...

unlike him...

why did he always come up in your mind? its his fault. he abused you.

Tord must've read your mind, because he then said, "lets go upstairs, (y/n)." leading me to the stairway.

he led me up the stairs and opened the door to his room. you sat down on the bed and looked at your knees. "what exactly... happened?" Tord asked. you looked into his eyes and saw someone who cared... but why?

just tell him.

"well... my ex had kicked me out of the house because im "lazy" and "never do anything" when he never cleans up after himself," you said.

your voice began to crack, "then I tried standing up to him.... and he abused me..."

tears began to well up in your eyes, "and then he... cussed me out and told me to leave... so I did."

you looked up to see tords eyes filled with genuine worry. Stop caring so much!"th-this is stupid, you shouldn't be caring about me-

as you were getting up to walk out, he grabbed your arm and embraced you. ...I-I... you began to cry. you sobbed, and sobbed into his chest. "w-why d-do you c-care?" you cried shakily.

he didn't answer, but even so, you were happy he acknowledged your existence.


after living with the guys for 2 years or so, you and tord have grown really close, and one day he took you somewhere...

"and why do I need a blindfold for this?" you said while being dragged along by your hands"

"because its a surprise!"

"yeah, but this isn't necessary-"

"yupo it is!"

"NO it AINT!"


you both laughed in unison. he always made you happier, and he even walked with you whenever you were going to pass your ex's neighborhood. you were best friends and, maybe, JUST MAYBE, growing a connection for him.

"alright! were here!"


"alright!" he said, "ready"

you nodded

"Surprise!" he said as he took off the bandana.

there was a picnic laid out, but it was precisely put in the spot where the both of you met. it was beautiful and it made you slightly blush. "Tord! this is amazing!"

"glad you like it, because I want to ask you something..."

he looked you straight in the eyes. "w-will you... u-um..." he stuttered in his cute accent


"W-will you be my girlfriend???" he asked, turning as red as his hoodie

"oh my god... Tord, i'd absolutely love to!" you said pulling him in for a hug.

"I love you.." you whispered

he tilted your face up to his. " I love you too," he said. and then you kissed.


".. I love you, (Y/n)"

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