#4 Info Behind the Sacred Ball [∆]

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This is the remake of the chapter: Missing Sacred Ball. One of the changes made was the character named Lisa or also called Lily was now renamed to as our loving character of X & Y, Serena. The background of Lily or Lisa or now so called Serena was also changed to fit her role in the story better. The introduction of the Sacred Ball was also changed to explain the info behind the Sacred Ball further.

Ash and Vlue flew down the cloud castle to check the lab of Professor Oak. Ash opened the door of the lab and looked around only to find out that Prof. Oak wasn't in the lab. But, instead of finding Professor Oak, he found a girl scavenging the items of the lab. "Hey! Stop what you're doing!" Ash shouted and the girl stopped scavenging before looking at him.

"Who are you?" Ash asked. "My name's Serena, trainer from Kalos region. I was sent here to meet up with Professor Oak, but when I arrived he wasn't here so I started to look around his stuff to find out where he went." Said by Serena before approaching him and shaking his hand. "I'm Ash Ketchum, nice to meet you, I guess." Ash said.

"How about you, what are you here for?" Serena asked. "Looking for Professor Oak so the object I brought can be analyzed." Ash answered before showing her the Sacred Ball. "Woah, that object! That's one of the items shown in the myth book of Professor Oak." Serena said before grabbing one of the books in the shelf and showing Ash the page of the Sacred Ball.

The Sacred Ball was one of the powerful objects created by Lord Arceus. It was said that the Sacred Ball can bring a new type of Pokemon onto the lands. But it wasn't easy. The ball needs to be held by the Lord Arceus himself for the Sacred Ball to work.

"There was a note attached at the bottom of the page." Ash said before grabbing the note and reading it.

A device has been made to replicate the process of the Sacred Ball. The device is said to replicate the touch of Arceus when holding therefore tricking the device and allowing it to bring the New Type of Pokemon that was never been seen before by anyone but Lord Arceus.

The media and the authorities agreed to this idea and the creation of this device was a massive success. The device was manufactured by Galactic Corps. and the first unit was released out in the public. It was kept safe somewhere around Kanto.

The device was prepared and the final step of the procedure was the arrival of the Sacred Ball to land.

"New type of Pokemon?! That sounds cool!" Ash said in amazement. "I'd say the same too, but Galactic Corps sounds shady." Serena said. "No they aren't, they're known today for making the new and improved machine for healing Pokemon in all PokeCenter." Ash stated and Serena looked surprised.

"Really?!" Serena exclaimed. "Don't you know?" Ash asked. "Sorry, I didn't even know that the machine that heals Pokemon was upgraded." Serena said before grabbing the book back and placing it in the shelf. "So that thing you're holding was the Sacred Ball made by Lord Arceus, does it mean you met Arceus?!" Serena exclaimed and Ash nodded.

"Wow, what an opportunity." Serena said before a squeal of a Victini was heard by the two, it was Vlue's. "Vlue! I'm coming!" Ash said before running out of the lab to see a trainer in a weird uniform trying to catch Vlue, The trainer noticed Ash. "Oh look, this Victini was actually owned by someone." The trainer said before getting his Pokeball from his bag.

"Yes, I own this Victini and what's with your wear?" Ash asked before laughing. "You little brat! It's not just regular suit, it's the Team Galactic's! I'm a member of Team Galactic!" The Galactic Grunt snapped. "So you were one of the Team Galactic, you did a great job on upgrading the machine of PokeCenter." Ash said.

"Now that you know who I am, let's have a battle!" The Galactic Grunt said and Ash nodded. "Not gonna lose on you!"

To be continued

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