#9 Vlue's 2nd Thoughts [¶]

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Ash and Serena were walking down the road of Route 16. Serena and Pikachu was ahead of him when he noticed the less activity of Vlue. "Hold on Serena, just gotta check up on Vlue." Ash said before Serena and Pikachu stopped and turned around to look at him with Pikachu tilting his head.

Ash took of his bag and kneeled down before taking a look inside. Vlue was sitting firmly in his bag, still silent, thinking about what Shadow Swampert stated. "Dude, are you alright?" Ash asked before Vlue hopped off his bag, still remaining silent.

"Come on, tell me what's bothering you." Ash stated before Vlue lets out a sigh. "What am I? Am I really powerful than I thought?" Vlue asked while walking around. "Of course you are, but don't be succumbed by the words of Shadow Swampert!" Ash said before Vlue flys off to route 17.

"Vlue! Wait up!" Ash shouted before they ran to catch up with Vlue. They entered the guard post where the guard noticed them running. "Watch where you run! This is not a theme park!" The guard shouted but they ignored him and continued on, leaving the guard post.

The guard lets out a sigh. "Kids nowadays don't respect the society, how cruel this generation is." Said by the guard. Meanwhile, Ash, Serena, and Pikachu reached the bridge where Vlue stood with his hands touching the railings, looking at the waves of the sea. "Vlue, don't go run away from us like that." Ash stated while panting.

"I wanna know the truth, what am I?" Vlue asked. "You're a Mythical Pokemon, Vlue. You are what you are." Serena stated before Vlue turns around to see them. "Then I can be whatever I want to be." Vlue stated before using Fire Spin on Pikachu.

Pikachu was distracted and got hit by the flames. "Pikachu!" Ash tried to grab Pikachu but Pikachu was trapped in a vortex of flame. "Vlue! What are you doing?!" Ash exclaimed and Vlue smirked. "I'm joining the Shadow Pokemon! Unless one of you defeat me in a battle."

Serena stepped forward before unleashing her Absol. "I'll battle you!" She said and Vlue giggled. "Let's begin!" Vlue said before using V create on Absol. "T-This is bad, the bridge is too small for Pokemon to evade an attack." Serena said before looking at Ash and Pikachu and returning to Vlue.

"Absol! Endure the hit!" Serena said and Absol was shocked but nodded. Absol took the hit and was in pain. "Are you alright?" Serena asked and Absol nodded. "Stand up, that's just my first move." Vlue said while popping his knuckles.

"Pikachu, come on." Ash said while waiting for the Vortex of Flames that revolves around Pikachu to expire. "Absol! Use Bite!" Serena said before Absol rushed towards Vlue and used Bite. Vlue got hit but endured it. "How dare you bite me?!" Vlue yelled before using another V create.

"Serena! Absol will faint if she gets hit!" Ash stated and Serena was shocked. "Prepare to lose!" Vlue yelled before his V create hit Absol but suddenly, Pikachu who was still stuck in a vortex of flame moved in front of Absol and got hit by the V create. Pikachu collapsed on the ground.

Absol looked down at Pikachu before tears well up in her eyes and gazing at Vlue. "Is there something wrong?" Vlue asked before Absol used Dark Pulse on Vlue. Vlue yelped and got hit before falling off the bridge and into the water. "N-No! Vlue!" Ash exclaimed.

Pikachu got up despite the pain and crawled his away to the edge of the bridge and fall into the water. "P-Pikachu!" Serena exclaimed with her Absol looking down at the water. The Vortex of flame around Pikachu dissipated by the water of the sea. Meanwhile, Vlue was sinking when Pikachu swam towards him and pulled him up the surface.

Soon they surfaced from the sea. "W-Why did you save me? You can die from what you did." Vlue asked. "You still have a role in your life! And why would I leave you behind despite the thing you did from me?" Pikachu said before swimming towards the shore with Vlue.

Pikachu stood on the beach with Vlue lying on the sand. "Thanks." Said by Vlue. "Have you decided now?" Pikachu asked. "Yup, I prefer to be myself than those Shadow Pokemon." Vlue said before giggling.

To be continued

Pokemon: Jisedai Burst [Book 1]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें