#11 Down the Dark Cave [∆]

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"Shall we enter the cave?" Ash asked and Vlue shook his head. "It's too dangerous! We don't know what we're going to face in there." Vlue stated and Serena nodded. Ash was focused on thinking of a safe way to enter the cave without getting caught.

"Vlue, how about you enter the cave first?" Ash suggested and Vlue jumped. "What?! No! I don't want to die!" Vlue denied before Pikachu looked at him and nodded. "You're small enough to be hidden which makes you our ticket way in." Ash stated and Vlue lets out a sigh.

"Fine, follow me and stay low." Vlue stated before hopping out of the bush and sneaking his way in the cave. The others followed Vlue deeper in the cave. Minutes passed and they encountered a sign. "This looks like a grave." Vlue said before being hit by Ash. "It's not a grave, it's a sign!" Ash stated before looking closely at the sign.

"Still looks like a grave." Vlue stated. "It's a stone sign." Ash stated before attempting to read the sign. Ash tilted his head while trying to read the words written on the sign. "I-I can't read it." Ash said before Vlue intervenes. "Those are handwritings of the Shadow Pokemon. But I, myself, can't also read it." Vlue stated while scratching his head.

"Let me see." Serena looked at the sign, only to be confused. "You're right, this is not a writing of a Legendary Pokemon nor just a Pokemon." Ash stated before sitting on the ground. "Don't lose hope, I'll go try to decipher it with my language decipher paper right here in my bag." She said before bringing out a paper with some writings similar to the one written on the stone sign.

"Give me a quarter of an hour to decipher this." Serena stated before analyzing the writings on the stone sign. "I'll be on a look out for any Shadow Pokemon entering and leaving." Vlue stated before flying deep in the cave. "Do you need help with that?" Ash asked and Serena shook her head. "I'm fine with my own." Serena stated before blushing a bit.

"You definitely look like you need one." Ash stated and Serena blushed more. "No thanks, I can handle." Serena stated while deciphering the writings. 15 minutes passed and Serena finally deciphered the writings on the stone sign.

Cave of Shadows, the cave where Shadows rest. If you continue further, you'll be in the territory of Shadows.

"That's it?! That 15 minutes for only two sentences?!" Ash exclaimed before Vlue returned in hurry. "What is it, Vlue?" Ash asked while Vlue was panting. "Further more from this stone sign is there territory." Vlue stated before sitting on the floor. "Well, I guess you're right. The stone sign says it too." Ash said before looking at Pikachu. "Sit tight in my bag, this is a dangerous trip." Ash stated before putting Pikachu in his bag.

"Let's go deeper into this cave and find the Shadow Pokemon." Ash stated and Serena nervously nodded. Vlue guided them to the deeper part of the cave where they saw a large room of pillars. "Something doesn't feel right here." Ash stated while looking at the pillars surrounding them. "I agree, I feel something." Vlue stated before a Shadow Deoxys appeared in front of them.

"Are you lost? The exit is that way." Shadow Deoxys said while pointing at the hallway behind them before a Shadow Zoroark walked towards Shadow Deoxys and whispered something to him. "If so, you're trespassers and how dare you follow us here!" Shadow Deoxys stated before doing an intimidating stance.

"Looks like we're on a battle." Ash stated before his Pikachu hopped out of his bag and stood beside Vlue. "Let's do this together, Pikachu." Vlue stated and Pikachu nodded before looking at the intimidating Shadow Deoxys.

To be continued

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