Chapter One: God's Soldier

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*Y/N's POV*

Earth, A place were millions of species roam. A planet made for all to love and live in peace. A safe haven for all created by the lord himself. But others, choose to believe many ways about how this place was formed.

Scientifically or Metaphorically? That's the question that they all ask in a world like that.

Peace is what they are missing. Being stubborn and ignorant humans they've become, some chose to take lives. Mankind had to fight in a cold, blood lusted wars. While the young and innocent plead for their very own lives. Back then it reeked of greed and terror.

Now in the present, it's tainted with political arguments, discrimination, and sin. A man eat man world they live in. I had to keep on a good poker face so that the other angels know I can be nonchalant about it. Although in secret, I'm curious about what it is like to live like a human. I only have the physical appearance of blue, green, and tan.

"Soldier!" A croaky voice shouted at me.

"Yes sir!" I answered turning my view to my capitan.

"The high priest would like a word with you this second! Move it soldier!" He ordered practically spiting at my face.

"Yes sir!" I respond and jog my way up to see the priest in his castle-like church. Even though I had wings, I still needed the exercise.


The two giant doors to his room open slowly and almost cinematic like. He was shown in his all white robe, on his knees, and facing a giant diamond-studded cross.

"Hello my dear child." He greets, not getting up or looking away.

"My priest. Is there anything you need?" I ask bowing on one knee.

"Stand. No need for formalities." I stood in response. "How are you feeling?" He asked with his shaky voice.

"I am doing well. My wings have fully healed ever since that last attack." I said.

"Ah yes. That last battle you and your team went. That was only the beginning." He stood up and faced me. His cold blue eyes, sagging, wrinkled face looked at me in worry.

"What do you mean? I destroyed the portal? Those demons won't be coming out in a long time." I inquire.

"One of them. You destroyed one out a million portals to hell. I sense a great force coming back soon for more." He said. "Come."

I nodded and walked towards him. He hugged me gently with one arm and kept it there.

"He has spoken to me. His request is to talk to you only." His shaky voice softened.

"M-My priest! I am not in high standard to talk to his majesty!" I argue in disbelief and anxiety.

"Nonsense. Kneel, my child and listen to his request." The priest lets go of my shoulder.

I shakily nod and get down on both knees facing the cross. I took a deep breath before slowly closing my eyes. I kept my ears open for his majesty.

A chill went down my spine, I shivered but kept my eyes closed. I felt another presence. A lukewarm touch on my cheek.

"My child. Do not hesitate. No man has to be a higher form to speak to me. I answer to all. High and Low." His calm, warming voice rang through my ears.

"My lord. Why do you need me? I'm just a soldier." I ask.

He giggled. "You were the brave hero that destroyed the portal. Were you not?"

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