A complete idiot.

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                                             "He's just so stupid"

                                                           "He's just so stupid"

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"Sehun hyungieeee,"Taehyung chanted.

Sehun sighed,he was tired,his eyes burned like as if tiny objects were poking his retina.His gut instinct told him to grab Taehyung and just carry the boy to a place like Disney land or the zoo but that wasn't allowed it was always to risky and dangerous which annoyed him but he hated how Taehyung was treated as if he was oblivious.Oka

It didn't help but who would believe Sehun.He was orphaned and new nothing of his past,some rumors even concluded that the Exo mafia had kidnapped him because it was beyond strange for him to have such a high position as a stranger but it was all thanks to Luhan.

"Tae can you please stop asking so many questions,my head hurts,"Sehun said softly rubbing his temples,yawning.

He didn't hear Taehyung's reply as his eyes shut.

He grabbed my  wrist harshly,the beautiful raven haired male and I didn't question his iron grip on my arm as I had seen the panic flicker in his eyes,his deep brown orbs which took my breath away were flickering,not exactly concentrating it was as if this seemingly inhuman man could experience fear which was new to Taehyung.

Taehyung just softly whimper and allowed the man to lead him,he was probably just a nice guy trying to help him.Even though no one had dragged Taehyung like that and commanded him well besides when Baekhyung got mad at him for coming to party in the club.

Taehyung trusted easily and solely.He didn't question the man's grip on him,not even when he was dragged off into a sports car.

Not even when it started to drive off but he did scream when he turned around and saw a bunch of weapons and four men in front of him,all handsome.

Yet Taehyung remained oblivious.

"Kim Taehyung pleasure to meet you,"a man with an iPad in his hand with documents on it smiled at him,the smile was wistful and didn't examine meet his eyes.He seemed really tall and cramped in the sports car which had taken off.

"Uh h..hi,"Taehyung squeaked embarrassed of his previous yelling.

"Awww he's cute Jungkookie can we keep him,"the orange haired man by the steering wheel turned around stealing a glance at the blonde.

"J-hope,"Jungkook said in a warning tone which made Taehyung shiver at the dominance Jungkook possessed.

"Jhope stop trembling on the steering wheel and pick up pace,FOCUS MOTHERFUCKER-"a mint haired man yelled icily making Taehyung shiver.

Taehyung clutched his stomach in fear as the engine picked up pace and the loud roar drummed against his ear drums making him hold unto them.

"They're gaining on us, HOLY SHIT LOSER HURRY IT UP OR WE CAN FUCKING DIE WILL YA.DAMN IT WHY THE FUCK DID YOU BUY THIS CAR YOU ASSHOLE..IS THIS SHIT EVEN BULLETPROOF!"the mint haired man continued to yell out insults and profanities next to Taehyung at the paling Jhope.

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