Chapter One: New Beginnings

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Cameron's POV:

I open my eyes to the sun shining through my window. Perfect. the perfect day for me to turn eighteen. I sit up in my bed and sniff the air. Smells like my favorite breakfast, chocolate chip pancakes. I hear a knock at my door and my mom poke her head through.

"There's my special man!" she says, coming over to hug me. My mom always makes a big deal out of everything, same goes for my dad as well. They've always expected the most out of me and have pushed me to become the best in my school studies. They've always said that hard work gets you places, that's why we're the wealthiest family in town. It's not a huge bother to me, but it definitely gives you a reputation. My mom smiles at me and walks over to my closet. "You have to look your best for tonight," she says, rummaging through all of my clothes. "Your father and I have been planning this party for over a month now."

"Yeah, but can we wait until tonight to try stuff on?" I ask, standing up from my bed. "I gotta get to school."

"Of course, sweetheart. Always put your studies on top. That's what makes one successful in life." She kisses my head before walking out of my room.

I look at myself in the mirror and try to put on a smile. 

A party...

A party I didn't even want...

Ryan's POV:

"Rise and shine, you lazy ass."

My eyes aren't even open and he's already being a dick to me. I groan as I sit up, running my fingers through my hair. Kyle pulls open the curtain and tears the sheet off my bed. "Your mom's gone to work already, so I gotta get you up. Food's on the table for ya." He takes a swig of his beer before walking out the door. God, I hate him so much.

Kyle moved in with us about two or three weeks after mom started dating him. I still don't understand what she sees in him. All I see is a big fucking jerk who's just living with us cause he can't afford his own place. Recently, my mom has had to work three jobs just to keep up with the rent on this place. I've even gotten a part-time job at the gas station to help her out. But Kyle...sometimes I just wanna take that stupid beer bottle and knock him over the head with it. That's probably why I'm such a good player on our football team. It's one of the only places I can take out my aggression.

I stand up and grab some clothes, looking in the mirror.

One of these days...

I'll show him...

Sorry this part is a little short! It's just an introduction to our main characters! I really hope you like it so far and please let me know if you have any ideas or comments on how I can improve! Chapter Two will be longer and is coming soon. Thanks for reading!

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