Chapter Five: Freedom

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Cameron's POV:

10 minutes turned into 15 minutes, and 15 turned into 20 as I waited at the front of the school for John to show up. He eventually pulled up in his truck and I got in with him. "What happened to 'I'll be there in 10 minutes'?"

He smiled at me and reached into the back seat, pulling out a bag of McDonald's. "I got your favourites, and I didn't forget the extra ketchup." He smirks and hands me the bag. "Happy Birthday, man." He says, pulling back out onto the street.

We continue driving, eventually making it to my house. He drives me up to the front door and parks the car. "I'll be back to pick you up around 7:00. Do you want me to park here?"

I shake my head. "My parents' friends will all be coming in from the front so I don't know if having a truck at the front door would be good. Just park along the street by the gate and I'll come down to find you. Text me when you're here."

I get out of the truck, grabbing my bag and the McDonald's. I wave goodbye as he drives off and turn around. "Ready to see what the hell your parents have done to the house this time?"

I open the door and walk into the front foyer. My parents have workers streaming golden and black ribbons all over in fancy patterns. I can smell the chefs hard at work in the kitchen preparing food for the guests before they arrive. My mother sees me come in and immediately hustles her way over. "Darling, you need to get ready! The guests are arriving every soon and you need to make a good impression!"

"Mom, please! Give me some space!" I walk away into the dining room, seeing it's all set up with name cards and everything. Guess I can't eat here...

I turn to go up to my room but she stops me again. "Let's get you dressed and tidied up."

"I'd like to eat first, mom. John got me some food to eat-"

She snatches it out of my hands. "You won't be eating that garbage. The chefs are preparing a five-star meal for your feast tonight. You can eat then." She takes the bag and tosses it in the garbage.

My father soon appears and goes right for my mother. "The entertainment is packing their orchestra and is on their way, the chef says the meals are almost complete, champagne is on ice, everything is cleaned and decorated... I believe we're all set."

I stare at them. "Are you kidding me?" They both turn my way. "Orchestra? Champagne? Five-star meal? This isn't a birthday party! It's one of your soirées! You only want me to be there so you can call it that!" I yell at them. "And I can't even enjoy something my friend bought me for a gift? I can't believe they care more about me than you ever will!"

I run up to my room, nearly breaking my bedroom door off of its hinges as I slam it behind me. I lock the door, baracade it with my bed, and reach into my closet. I pull out a pre-packed bag, full of clothes, food, and supplies. I throw it on my back, walk out to my balcony and sneak out into the woods behind my house.

I wasn't going to go back there.

That part of my life was over.

My new chapter starts now.

Ryan's POV:

The walk was long. Lucky me, I at least got a bit of exercise out of it. Makes up for my missed practice today... I'm such a dumbass...

I walk up to my house and see some cars parked out front. God dammit... They're here already...  I head up to the front steps and I can already smell the beer coming from inside. I haven't even gotten in the door and he's already making me sick...

I walk in and close the door tight behind me. As I walk further into the house past the dining room where the guys were playing, I could smell something else. Something that made me cough as I breathed it in. I look in at the guys and saw Kyle at the head of the table, a huge fat cigar in his mouth. He lets out a puff as I walk in.

"No fucking way. Get that fucking cigar out of the house, now..." I was getting aggravated. I couldn't release my anger on the field so it's been pent up inside of me all day. "I can't tollerate smoking and I don't want mom coming back to a house that smells like cheep beer, tobacco and whatever the hell you've been doing on that couch over there."

Kyle gets up from his seat, slamming his fist on the table. He gets up close to my face, only inches away. All I can smell is the burning tobacco from his cigar. "Don't you fucking talk to me like that. I'm the man of this house, I can do whatever the hell I want. You can't do anything about it, little man. Go to your room now, leave us the fuck alone." He lets out a puff right in my face as he turns around to sit back down.

I walk down the hall to my room and slam the door shut. That was the last fucking straw. I can't deal with his bullshit anymore. I'm sorry mom. I tried to be good for you but I can't! I can't anymore...

I grab my school bag and dump it out completely, everything spread out across my floor. I grab clothes, essentials, and personal items too. I zip up my bag and go for the door, when I realized that my mom would be devastated if she found out I went missing... I grab a notepad off of my desk and leave her a note. I make my bed and lay it at the foot of the bed. I take one last look at my room before sneaking out. I go out through the back door and hop the fence in my backyard to get to the woods.

Kyle's been a pain in the ass...

I've had enough...

No more of his bullshit...

My new chapter starts now...

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