Chapter Four: Brute Force

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I'm back with Chapter Four!!! So so so so so sorry about the wait on this. It's the end of the semester at my high school and I'm still figuring a lot of things out, stressing about my marks, you know... Average teenage drama/panic. No big deal. Anyways, here's Chapter Four, or more like 3 1/2... I hope you enjoy! Thanks again for reading!

Ryan's POV:

Lunch bell. Finally! I need to eat something right away. Been starving since this morning. I'm just lucky Tanner got me something to hold me over. I make my way to my locker, doing my best to stuff all of my books in without breaking them. I get the door shut and I'm about to go to the cafeteria when Tanner stops me.

"Dude, Coach wants to see you... It seems serious..." He says to me with a worried face. I didn't like it when he gives me that face, because then I get worried. But I can't be worried. I'm the star player. I'm better than that.

I make my way to his office and he meets me right at the door. "Sit down. We need to talk." I try to act confident but that's really hard for me to do around Coach. The man is really intimidating, built like a brick wall and about as tall as one too. I take my seat and he looks at me. "I have two things..."

Oh god... Please dont be bad...

"The first, your grades. I have your record here and it says you're nearly failing your Math class." He tosses me a folder with my grades on it. "You gotta keep your grades up, boy. You can't do that, you can't play next Friday's game. Understand?"

"Yes, Coach." I reply.

"The second thing, I noticed you've been a little rougher on the field recently. I know you give it your all but I can't have you hurting the other members on your team, otherwise we have no one who can play. Dial it back. I see one more big hit, you're done."

"Okay Coach. It won't happen again."

"Good. You're free to go. See you tonight." He says, turning back to his work.

I grab my bag and walk out of there feeling shaken. I'm this close to getting kicked off the team... I can't be kicked off, I need this so I can get into university.

But he's right. I'm failing my classes and my temper's been kinda fragile these past few weeks since Kyle moved in.

I'll fix it though. I'll fix my grades and my temper.

I have to.

I meet up with Tanner and a few others for lunch. As I'm chatting with Tanner, I see someone come into the cafeteria that catches my eye. It's my girlfriend, Rachel, but there's someone else too. No way... No fucking way... Dustin Brooks? What the hell are they doing together? They make their way over and Rachel looks at me. "Hi, Ryan. You know Dustin, right?"

"Of course... Why is he here?" I ask, confused.

"Oh, she didn't tell you?" Dustin says, acting confused.

"Didn't tell me what?" I ask, starting to clench my fist.

Rachel looks at me and frowns. "We're over, Ryan. I'm with Dustin now." Dustin smirks and pulls her in to kiss her.

Tanner grabs my shoulder, trying to calm me down but I throw his arm away, slamming my fist onto the table. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!" I yell and throw my tray at Dustin. He immediately turns and slugs me in the face. I take my fist and return the blow. People take out their phones and start recording the fight before one of the teachers comes in and tells us to break up the fight. I glare at Dustin and Rachel and we hear the bell ring. I turn, grab my bag, and storm off to class.

The day goes on, Tanner sticking with me trying to help me stay strong but I just shrug him off. I know he's trying to help but I don't want it right now.

The final bell rings and I head to the locker room. Coach is there at the door. "Get the hell out of this locker room, Arrington. You're done."

"Coach! Let me explain!"

"I said out! I'm kicking you off the team." He says and points me out. I turn to go and see Dustin in the doorway. He flashes me a devilish smirk as he walks past me and Coach.

I sit in the hallway, sulking and beating myself up. That's it. I'm done. Mom is gonna kill me when she finds out and then fucking Kyle is gonna give me hell... I see my teammates walking out to the field and I quickly get up.

I sneak the locker room and get changed. I'm gonna give myself a second chance. I'm not missing this practice. I grab my gear and walk out to the field as the team starts warm-ups and drills.

Coach sees me and walks over to me. "You're defying orders. You aren't to set foot on this field again. You wanna defy me? There's a detention waiting right inside for you."

"I'm not missing this practice. You need me for next weeks game. You aren't going to find a replacement. I'm your only bet. You're gonna give me a second chance."

"Your mind tricks don't work on me. Get the hell off this field now!" He yells.

I throw down my helmet and run back to the locker room. I take off my gear throwing it across the room. In anger, I punch my locker, bending the metal. "Fuck!!!" I yell, grabbing my fist in pain.

I put on my clothes and I'm about to storm out when I hear a voice. "Ryan? You in here?" It's Tanner.

"Leave me alone. Go back to your fucking practice..." I say, getting emotional.

"Okay man. I'll leave you alone. If you want to talk, come over later tonight. I'll leave the back door unlocked for you." I hear him walk back outside and I sigh.

I throw open the door and walk out into the hall, immediately running into someone. Or more like, he ran into me. I look down at him. "Oh shit! I'm sorry man..." I reach out my hand to help him up. "You okay? Sorry about that."

I lift him up to his feet in one strong pull. He gets his balance and looks up at me. "Yeah, I'm fine..."

"Alright, cool. I gotta go. See you around." I pick up my bag and walk off. I feel kinda bad for running into him, and I know I should've probably stayed with him, but that would've been a lot more awkward than what already happened. Another strange feeling washes over me. I feel like I know him, but I can't really remember how...

I realize I don't have a drive home, normally I'd carpool with Tanner but practice doesn't end for another hour and a half. I sigh and start walking back home. Hopefully, I'll be back before Kyle's drinking buddies arrive.

Again, really sorry about the wait! I decided to make this chapter a little longer than expected but I think it makes up for the lost time. I'll be back with Chapter Five soon! See you soon!

Our Hiding Place (BxB Romance)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora