Chapter Two: School Daze

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HEY! I'm really sorry about the wait! A lot of stuff has happened in my life recently and I just haven't had the time to continue writing. I hope that I can eventually make it up to you. Anyways, I guess it's time to continue! Enjoy Chapter Two!

Cameron's POV:

My parents drop me off at my high school and I head up the stairs towards the front doors. My parents wanted to send me to a private boarding school in the next state over but I persuaded them to let me go here. At least let me keep the one normal thing in my life. I walked down the halls, my hands in my pockets, over to my locker. A few minutes later, one of my friends, John, came over to see me. He and one other person are two of the only decent friends I have here. Everyone else is just a jerk to me because I come from a family with a reputation. "Hey, Cam!" He says, running up to me. "Happy Birthday!" He punches my shoulder playfully and I rub it after.

"Thanks, man," I say, groaning as I feel the bruise he left.

"Heard your parents are having a party for you tonight! What are they planning this year? Those fireworks last year were amazing. I hope they do them again."

I shake my head. "Nope. Actually, I didn't even want a party this year. The only people that are coming are people that are friends or associates of my parents. I barely even know half of their names." I get a little pissed and slam my locker door.

"I'm sorry to hear that, man. Hey, if tonight turns out to be a bust, you're welcome to come over to my house. Hannah can come too. It'll just be the three of us, movie night!" He smiles and I smile with him.

"Thanks. That'll be great." We hear the bell ring and John and I start walking towards our class. "Sometimes I wish they'd just listen to me for once instead of just always thinking about themselves and their popularity."

"Yeah I can see how that could be a problem. They're way too self-centred." John says and I nod in agreement.

The two of us walk in and sit down at our desks. We have three seats, all in the far corner of the room, as far away as possible from the teacher's desk. A few minutes later, my other friend, Hannah came over. She threw her bag at me which by now I've grown a reflex for catching it.

"What's up, nerds?" She jokes, taking her seat beside John. "Happy Birthday by the way. Party at your place?"

I'm about to answer her but John cuts in. "Change of plans. Movie night. My place. Be ready."

"Alright, I'm down." She smiles and I look up at the clock.

08:20 am...

This is going to be a long day...

Ryan's POV:

I managed to make it out of the house and just barely catch my bus. Kyle's been on my ass this morning after he found out about some overdue homework that I had. I did have a good explanation, but he hardly even listens to me when I ask him to turn down the TV at night. After a long argument, I realized how late I was and ran out the door, not even bothering to eat the breakfast he made for me.

I walked down the aisle to my seat and layed back, taking up the whole two spaces. I groan and rub my eyes, still trying to fully wake up.

"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes..." I hear my friend, Tanner say. "You look like you stayed up all night... You know we have a game on Friday, right?"

"Yeah, I do... But apparently Kyle doesn't... He kept me up all night playing his fucking guitar and watching some stupid action show from the 80's..." I yawn and look over at him. "I got like 2 hours of sleep, max..."

"Yikes... I feel bad for you, man. You know, my parents always keep a spare bedroom handy in case of company. If anything happens, you come to me first. We'll take care of you."

I smirk. "That's why you're the best, dude." Tanner and I have been best friends since we were little. Our parents knew each other really well but grew apart after my dad left... Tanner was there to help me stay strong and he's like a brother to me. All the guys on the team are.

The bus pulls up to the school and we get off, heading inside. My stomach growls loudly and I hear Tanner laugh a bit. "You didn't eat breakfast either? Man, you really are a train wreck. Here, let's head to the caf and I'll buy you something to get you started."

I shook my head. "It's fine. I can manage until lunch."

He grabs my arm. "I'm not asking. We're going, whether you like it or not." Tanner tugs on my arm and pulls me down the hall towards the cafeteria. I honestly hated when he did this, but at the same time I was thankful that he always looks after me as well. We take care of each other, like brothers.

The two of us get to the cafeteria and he orders me a breakfast sandwich and some fruit. we sit down and he sits across from me. I take a bite of my sandwich and look up at him. "Thanks. You never listen, but that's why you're so good to me."

He laughs a bit and smiles. "Don't mention it. But tomorrow, you're buying me lunch."

We both joke and talk until the bell rings for class. We head to first period and as we're walking down the hall I get a text from my mom:

"Hey sweetie! I'm really sorry but I won't be home until later tonight. Kyle said he'll be having some of his friends over after dinner so I expect you to be on your best behavior. Luv you."

I sigh and look at the time on my phone.

08:20 am...

This is going to be a long day...

Hope you enjoyed this part! Once again, I'm really sorry for the long gap. I hope that I'll be able to get Chapter 3 out soon. Feel free to leave any ideas or comments and I'll try to respond. Thanks so much and keep an eye out for part 3!

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