Chapter 1

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The blistering sounds of my alarm clock woke me from my deep slumber. *beep beep beep beep*. On and off again, there to remind me to get ready for another day of hell in its finest.

"Ugh, why me?", I complained rolling over and slamming my alarm clock off. Not only did I dislike school, I hated it with a burning passion. Annoying, preppy, plastic girls roaming around school in slutty outfits, trying to lure boys into bathrooms for a quickie, just really wasn't my style. But don't get me wrong, I wasn't one of those emo goth chicks that loathed living life everyday, I just wanted almost 99% of the girls in my school to burn deep in the pits of hell. But speaking logically, I guess school was already located in the darkest crevices of the place.

I got up slowly, making sure to stretch every limb before repeating the same routine that I did every morning. Like a sluggish zombie, I forced myself into the regular outfit of the day: a plain t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and some dull gray vans. Just how I like it. I didn't bother with doing my hair, it was naturally straight. I put on the concealer that I've worn forever, just to cover up the little blemishes that were scattered on my face. What can I say, I'm no model that has perfectly clear skin, that's unrealistic. I trudged downstairs, bracing myself for the rays of sunshine also known as my overcaffinated mother. With the first step I took into the kitchen, I could already hear her sing song voice.

"Alexandra Ryan Kail what a pleasure for you to join me on this fine morning", the words rolled off her tongue like jello.

"Mom we've been through this before; it's just Alex"

She gave me a sad glance and nodded

"I know honey after everything with dad-"

I cut her off there. "Yeah I know let's not talk about it."

I tried to block out the flashbacks of that horrible night that crowded my mind 24/7. With one last back glance to my now emotionless mother that I knew was also thinking of that horrid night, I left my house full of unwanted memories.

I trudged through my neighborhood to the bus stop, and stepped onto my ride to hell

*In school*

I walked into the hallways of my over preppy school and braced myself for my friend of ten years, Charlotte, to bombard me with questions on why I disappeared over summer break.

"Alexandra Ryan Kail get your prissy little ass over here right now!"

I didn't even need to turn around to tell that the voice that was just recently calling my name belonged to no other than my beloved friend Charlotte (or as everyone calls her, Charlie). With a loud groan I turned around and braced myself for the millions of questions I would receive.

"Where the hell were you all summer?!", Charlie screamed at me.

I took this question into consideration. I could tell her the truth and say I was locked in my room writing sappy love stories and cutting out everyone in my life that ever made me happy, or I could save myself the embarrassment and make up some lie. I decided to go with the second option.

"I was, yah know, working at the library."

"Ok well that doesn't take up a whole summer..."

"I went away too. For a while. Family stuff." I kept it short and simple.

Charlie studied my face as if looking for any signs of a lie, and then nodded slowly. I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding in.

"Okay... Just make sure you call me at least so I know your not dead!"

I let out a laugh, she always knew how to bring up my mood, even if it was the first day of hell.

After hearing stories of Charlie's glamorous vacations and flings with boys she inquired during her summer, we headed to our first class together, taking our first day of the last year step by step.

* After school *

I walked out of the school relieved that I made it though the first day. I basically sprinted to my bus, eager to go home and most likely write the conclusion to my summer project: "Loves End." I took my usual seat in the back of the bus, put in my headphones, and drowned out the noises of the annoying teenagers that were oh so happily in my presence.

I looked out my window and almost jumped out of my seat: there was a boy staring right at me from outside of the bus. With simple all black clothes and a head full of curls, the boy could easily of been the most good-looking person I have ever seen. I could only see him from afar, just a few details, but I could already tell he was gorgeous. I was brought back to reality when suddenly someone rammed into me.

"Watch it!", I snarled already hating whoever slammed into me.

"I'm sorry, my fault", apologized the mystery person.

"Whatever", I grumbled and looked back out the window to see if I could spot the boy again. But when I looked out the dirt speckled window, he was nowhere to be seen.

"Weird", I mumbled to myself and then brought my attention back to the rock music blasting in my ears.

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