Chapter 8

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•Alex POV•
I took a deep breath, and prepared myself for this, most likely, screaming match.

"I want to know how" I said, getting straight to the point.

"Darling, what do you mean how?" He asked with a false innocence. I wasn't falling for it, he knew what I meant.

I ignored the butterflies I got from the pet name he gave me, and pushed him to answer me further.

"You know what I mean, how did you know I was planning on escaping?" I stated rather strongly.

With that statement, Harry swiftly walked over to me, grasped my hips, and whispered into my ear.

"Darling, if you haven't noticed yet, I know everything. I know your next move before you make it. I saw your stupid plans, and I even took it upon myself to burn them in the incinerator. You are mine forever, there is no escape. Now, I suggest you leave this room before I take it upon myself to punish you."

I turned around after that and scurried out of his room. Like hell was I going to get another punishment. As I closed the door on my way out, I saw Harry eye me with a satisfied smirk on his kissable lips.

The next morning, I woke up on my own time, which was a big surprise. No Elenour, or Lou, in sight. Odd, I thought to myself. I turned my head, and on my pillow was a nicely written note.

Goodmorning darling,
I know you must seem very surprised that you are by yourself on this fine morning. I have some guests coming today, therefore I sent all of the maids home so we wouldn't be bothered. You are to meet them also, so dress appropriately. You better behave yourself, as I am still pissed off from yesterday's events. You are lucky I chose not to punish you. But, if you choose not to be a good girl today, the consequences will be harsh. Be downstairs by exactly 1:00. No later or sooner.
-yours truly

I looked up at the fancy clock on my wall and saw it was already 12:15. Shit, I better hurry up.

I showered and did my hair and makeup in a remarkable time. I was surprised how much I achieved in just 45 minutes. I was just lucky I made it downstairs at exactly 1:00.

"Well hello Alex, you look lovely." Harry greeted me. He's actually being nice today, what a bonus.

My cheeks turned a color that resembled a ripe tomato. No boy, or man in this situation, has ever complimented me before.

"Thank you, sir. You look nice too." And oh, did he look nice. He was wearing a suit that fit him perfectly, he could easily be the most good-looking man on Earth.

"Ah, our guests have arrived." Harry announced as the doorbell went off.

As he opened the door, he revealed a man and women who had their hands linked together. They looked about Harrys age. The man had blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes, while the woman he was with had long brown hair, and a beautiful face. (A/N I imagine her being played by Camila Cabello.)

"Hello, I'm Luke, and this is my girlfriend Carina." Luke greeted me friendly.

"Hi, I'm Alex." I said as I shook his outstretched hand.

"It's so nice to finally meet you, Harry has told us so many wonderful things about you. You're even more beautiful than he described." Carina sweetly informed me, making me blush madly.

I turned to look at Harry, and saw he was staring at his shoes with an embarrassed expression.

"Thank you." I said to her quietly.

We followed Harry into the living room to sit down on the plush couches and talk.

"So how did you find yourself ending up here with Harry?" Carina asked, starting out the conversation.

I froze, this was going to be a long night.

(A/N the picture is what I imagine the gorgeous Harry Styles wearing)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2015 ⏰

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