Chapter 2

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•Alex POV•
During the next week of school, I was on edge. I felt as though I was being watched, and everytime I would look to my side for just a quick glance, I swear I could see the mysterious boy that was once staring at through the bus window.

I was currently in history class, scratching down plots for my next story I would most likely spend my Christmas break writing. I was knocked back into reality when a crumbled up paper ball hit my back. I figured it would be another one of those slutty girl commenting on how "ghetto and ugly" my outfit looked today. I mean, this was the regular for them.

With a roll of my eyes, I bent down to pick up the harassing note up. But when I opened it up to reveal the writing inside, I was surprised.

Not only was the note NOT a harassing comment from a slut, it was an invitation to a party. Someone was inviting me, Alex the nerd who dresses odd because because she doesn't show huge amounts of skin, to an actual party. With real teenage people. I laughed to myself, this must be some sick joke on the poor little nerd.

I turned around to cuss someone out on this joking manner, and was faced with the boy on the bus that rammed into me, genuinely smiling. Great. This is fucking fantastic. I mustered up all the confidence I could find in myself and spoke to the awaiting boy.

"If you think this is a fucking funny joke, then it's not. Your a stupid bastard you know-"

I was cut off by none other then the boy himself.

"Well hello to you too. I'm Liam Payne, and you are?"

"Someone you should learn not to fuck with.", I replied harshly.

This boy now known as "Liam" had the urge to continue talking. "Look I wasn't kidding in that note. I see you don't have many friends and I accidentally squashed you on the bus so I think I owe you an invitation." Yeah, 'accidentally'

"I don't want to be invited to a party out of pity, thank you very much", I huffed. I was about to turn away but Liam stopped me.

"I know you don't. I just want to get to know you better, you live in my neighborhood and I was just thinking maybe for once it would be nice to have a friend that lives near me. The party is Saturday at 9. I live right next to you, I guess your just oblivious to that fact. I hope to see you there." And with that last statement from Liam, the bell rang. He rushed out of the class before I could say anymore.

"Might as well just go and be a regular teenager for once. But then again it's odd that Liam invited me out of nowhere. This is going to be a tough decision." I thought. But, Maybe this Liam kid did want to be my friend.

* Walking home from school *

"I don't know Alex, what if he tries to pull something. You don't even know the kid for crying out loud and all of a sudden he invites you to his party? I don't know about you but it sounds fishy to me."

Currently, Charlie was trying to talk me out of going to Liam's party.

"Charlie listen. He seemed really sincere when he was talking to me, and I don't trust just anyone correct?'

"Yes", Charlie said in a monotone voice.

"So trust me, I'll be careful. Don't worry about it, it's only one little party that's right next to my house, I think I can handle it."

"Okay... Just when your there call me if anything happens."

"I promise you'll be the first to know", I tell her as we spilt our different ways to get to our houses.

As I walk down the dull streets of my town, I get the feeling that someone is watching me.... Again. And I have a good guess it's the curly haired beauty that is haunting my thoughts lately. I whip my head around, but no one is there. I start sprinting down the streets, paranoid someone will kidnap me if I don't. I arrive on my street and make it to my house safe and sound. "Thank The Lord", I say to myself as I make my way upstairs to study for my three tests I have tomorrow. But, I know all I will think about is that goddamn party that is a short two days away.

(A/N. Yes this is a harry fanfic, but everything with liam leads up to harry coming into the story. I know this chapter is super short but the next one is longer:) the picture of the girl is madison beer, Shes who I imagine playing alex)

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