Chapter 7

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•Alex POV•
The rest of the so called "date" went by in awkward silences and talks of how the food tasted. After Harry had his little fit off telling me who was "in charge" I tried to make as little conversation as possible. Everytime Harry would try to talk to me, I would end it with short replies like "okay" and "yeah". after a while, Harry got the hint and stopped talking all together.

I went to bed that night with thoughts of one thing: escaping.

I knew that if I stayed longer than a month here I would be driven mad. There had to be a way out of this mansion, I just needed to start thinking and observing. So I did just that. For a week, I would walk around and count how many maids and cooks there were, and when their shifts ended. For security, Harry had a gate surrounding the glorious mansion. After staying up countless nights writing down different ways to escape, I had a plan to get out of this hell hole that was even worse than school.

The next morning was the same as every other one that I experienced here. Get woken up by a screaming Elenour, get dressed by Lou because apparently I was some china doll to her, eat a tiny breakfast, work out in this high tech gym for 2 hours, and then see what else Harry had planned for me.

By the end of the week when I stepped on the scale to weigh myself I had lost ten pounds. I was no longer the 135 pounds I used to be, but 125. And that amazed/terrified me that I lost that much weight in a week. It wasn't just the working out and small meals that were resulted in my weight loss though. There was another huge factor mixed in there. Harry. Also known as the devil himself. I had received 3 punishments so far, each one getting worse than the last. It started off as slapping, went to spanking, and the most recent one included whipping. The man was wearing me down day by day. With every scream and punishment sent my way, I was slowly loosing my will to live. I could be strong though and get through this day, because tonight, I was finally breaking free.

I must of looked very happy and giddy that morning and afternoon because everyone I saw would question me.

"What is it with you today?" Lou had asked me.

"Please tell me your not high" Elenour begged.

"Today must be your day!" The trainer at the gym had said.

And oh was he right, today was my day. I didn't even get upset when I was informed that I would be having lunch with Harry. I was actually excited to have one last word with him. As I walked down the halls to the setting or lunch with Harry, I couldn't stop thinking of him. Even though he was cruel, he did have a sweet side to him. It was almost like he was bipolar. One minute he'll be complimenting me, and the next, he's yelling at me for not knowing who's "in charge". He even brought me a rose one time we had dinner just to crumble it later during the meal because I "pissed him off". He was a mysterious man, and part of me wanted to stay and figure him out. But, a larger part of me wanted to leave and go back to my shitty excuse of a high school. Staying in a mansion with yourself as your only company teaches you to appreciate the sluttyness that is teenage girls. I approached the garden to find Harry waiting patiently at the two person table for me. He looked casual, but nice. I walked outside with confidence, ready for this last encounter with him before I was gone for good. As soon as I caught his eye, he got up and rushed to the other side of the table to pull out my chair like a gentleman. Huh, he's going to be nice today.

When Harry went back to his side of the table and sat down, I decided to start off the conversation. "Hello sir" I said maybe a little to happily.

"I've noticed your in a good mood today Alex, why May that be?"

"Oh you know... No reason it's just a good day I guess." Fuck. Nice one Alex you should have just told him your planning on running away.

Harry only nodded his head but gave me a look as though he was still suspicious. The rest of the date was spent civilly. I listened to how Harry's day was without even saying one sarcastic remark. He told me of his new plans for the business and all this other shit that I honestly had to tune out because it was so boring. I never liked business related things. When Harry asked me about my day, I told him of training at the gym, making sure not to sound too happy and suspicious.

I was walking away from the table when I heard Harry calling my name, telling me to come back to him.

"What is it sir?"

He came up to me and whispered in my ear, "I know your plan Alexandra Ryan Kail, and don't think for one second you can fucking run away from me. I will always find you. Always."

And with that statement, he briskly walked away.

I stumbled backwards, confused to no end. How the hell did he know I planned on escaping? I had made sure to carefully hide my plans so no one would find them, and I made sure to tell no one. Harry knew me probably better than myself, I was stupid to think I could get away with this. But I didn't plan to stand here like an idiot and digest what he had just told me, I planned to get answers from him.

I wanted to know how he knew I planned to escape, and I wasn't leaving without answers. I put on my brave face and marched to his room. After pounding on his door I heard a faint "come in."

Here we go...

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