Chapter 5

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•Alex POV•
I waited impatiently for the maid to come and show me to my room. All the while thinking of ways to get out of this hell hole. Thankfully, Sir had untied me from the metal chair I was just recently bound to. I tried the door- locked. I tried the windows- locked from the outside. I even tried bashing the windows with the metal chair, but I didn't even make a scratch on the perfectly clear glass. I was interrupted from my thoughts and actions of escape when a young girl walked into the room. She looked to be about my age, maybe a little older. She was dressed in a plain white t-shirt and black pants, I figured she was the maid. She had wavy, long brown hair, and a stunning face and body. She even made the simple work clothes look good. "Maybe I can befriend her and she'll help me escape...", I thought. She looked nice enough.

" Hi, I'm Elenour.", the girl introduced herself while smiling the whole time at me. It didn't look genuine though... working for Sir must be awful.

"You don't have to act happy, I can tell your suffering. I'm Alex by the way."

She sighed in relief.

"Thank god, I like you already. Let's just not hope you another Lil-", she covered her mouth, eyes wide as if she had just witnessed a murder.

"What do you mean just anot-"

"Nothing, nothing. Let me show you to your room.", She cut me off. Odd, I'll have to ask someone else about it later.

I shrugged and followed her out of the room, happy to be leaving it's confinements. She led me up a spiral staircase to the second floor. I guess I would be staying on this one. She led me to the right hallway and I noticed it only held to bedrooms. She pointed to one of them.

"This is your room." She pointed to the other room across from mine. "That is Mr.Styles room. Your are not aloud in it"

I was utterly confused. Who the hell is 'Mr.Styles'?

"Who's Mr.Styles?"

"Oh, I totally forgot he has you call him Sir. DO NOT him Mr.Styles, only employees get to call him that. DO NOT call him Harry either, that is reserved for friends only."

"Odd", I thought to myself. I never thought a monster like him would have a name like Harry Styles. It just sounded oddly nice. The name seemed fit for a normal person, not a mental boss of a drug company like him.

I walked into the room and was wowed by the simple, yet elegant look of it. The whole room was white, besides the bed that lay in the dead center of the humongous space. The sheets were baby blue, and the over fluffed pillows looked so comfortable right now. It wasn't until then that I realized I haven't slept in what felt like days.

"I can tell your exhausted. Go get some sleep. Lou will be here in a few hours."

I thanked not only god but Jesus (A/N hahah sorry justin beiber reference I had to) for Elenour's kind words.

*later that day*

I was woken up by the sound of a door slamming shut. My bedroom door to be exact.

"Wake up sunshine!" A cheery voice echoed in the room.

"This must be Lou the stylist" I thought, groaning to myself. God, she sounds exactly like my mother. I sat up slowly, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I looked up and examined Lou. She was pretty, just like very other person I've seen so far in this house/mansion. Well, to be exact, I've only Elenour and Sir (also known as Harry) but that still counts as something. She had long, wavy, bleach blonde hair, and by looking at the way she dressed, you could definitely tell she was a stylist. Her clothes were perfectly on point, her hair styled to perfection, and her makeup made her look like a celebrity.

"Hello, I'm Alex. You must be Lou?", I introduced myself casually.

"Ah yes, Mr.Styles must has already mentioned me. So, I guess there's no need for a formal introduction. Let's get started with your makeover, yeah?"

I let out a huff and braced myself for the next few hours of painful waxing, pulling of my hair, proding, and whatever else this stylist would do to me.

*3 hours later*

Oh, was I horribly wrong about the process being painful. It was excruciating. Everytime she waxed one part of my leg, or plucked another one of my eyebrows, I felt like I was on fire. Every part of me burned by the end of the process and I was happy to move onto makeup, hair, and wardrobe. Lou didn't tell me or let me see what she did to my hair or makeup, but I was happy I didn't feel her cut my long length of hair, or cake my face in useless makeup. I did however get to see the clothes she was stocking me with. They were simple, but nice. Just how I liked my clothes back home. At least there's one plus about this place. Apparently I had dinner tonight with 'Sir', so Lou picked out a beautiful but simple black dress for me.

"Are you ready to see the new Alex?", Lou said cheerfully.

I nodded, ready to turn around and take in my appearance. And when I turned around and looked into the full length mirror, I gasped at the reflection staring back at me.

(A/N the picture is Alex's dress)

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