Love (T)

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Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING!!! The Sorcerer's Apprentice and all its characters belong to Disney.

Rated: T (Teen): Mild Adult Language.

Prompt: #7 (Alternate Universe).

Trigger Warnings: None.

Morgana Le Fay had heard childbirth was the closest a woman could come to death without actually leaving the world, but she'd never truly believed...until now.

Every contraction felt as if the child in her womb was trying to rip its way out of her. She fought to keep her composure, but eventually said to hell with pride, and screamed so long and loud surely all of Britain had to have heard her. Her lover certainly did.

Morgana heard Horvath's heavy footfalls before she saw him. He barreled into her private bedchambers, snapped at the mid-wife's younger apprentice when the girl dared to block his way. Did they really think Maxim Horvath cared that men weren't allowed near the birthing bed? He didn't give a wit about decorum.

Part of her wanted to snarl at him to get out. He'd done this to her after all, all honesty, it wasn't entirely his fault. She'd permitted him to spill his seed within her then she had forgotten to take the damn tansy oil with her tea.

Morgana let her guard down and whimpered. " hurts, so badly..." He was by her side in a blink, gripping her hand in his, kissing her knuckle. "I'm so very sorry, my lady. Had I known..."

He wouldn't have lain with her. Morgana shifted on the bed to get closer to him. "No, Horvath. This is as much my doing as yours. I'd have said and done anything to ensure you shared my bed."

It was true. Morgana had spent years attempting to coax him away from that self-righteous fool Merlin. She'd planned to use him. Her stratagem had been a simple one: she'd seek out and seduce the apprentice, then manipulate him into helping her annihilate his master.

Morgana hadn't expected to care for Horvath, but in the end, her heart had betrayed her, and she'd fallen in love with the surly grump. She'd gone out of her way to keep the feelings hidden, but she had been finding it so much more difficult to do so lately, especially given her current condition. He'd always been attentive-a rare trait-one all her previous lovers seemed to lack. Much like them she had lived by the notion that it was better to take than to give. With Maxim, however, that wasn't the case. He had never left her dissatisfied in or outside the bedchamber.

Each time they coupled, he always went out of his way to ensure she found release. If she was hungry he would bring her meals. Sometimes when she'd get restless, he'd read to her. Horvath was an avid reader. He would recite poetry and even sing for her if she asked. Morgana didn't know what it was, but there was something in Horvath's voice. Hearing it calmed her nerves. He'd even lulled her to sleep on the rare occasion when dreams eluded her. 

"I see the head!" the mid-wife declared, "Push, my lady! Push harder or the babe will die!"

"I am pushing, you sow!"

Morgana wasn't sure if it was the mid-wife's snippy tone or the notion of losing the child that stoked her ire. She tried to sit up, but her arms didn't quite have the strength. She felt weak and what strength she did have on reserve was going toward pushing every time her muscles clenched.

Thank heaven for Horvath. He moved up onto the bed and carefully lifted her so that she was in a far better position to bear down. His efforts helped, though did very little to ease the pain.

When the mid-wife told her she needed to push harder, Morgana considered giving the old woman a swift kick to the face. She was already lightheaded from the blood loss. She could barely think let alone breathe properly!

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