Fear/Hope (T)

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Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING!!! The Sorcerer's Apprentice and all its characters belong to Disney.

(Note: Daemory is an original character of my own creation. Please do not use her without my permission. Thank you.)

Rated: T (Teen): Mild Adult Language.

Prompt: #56/#57 (Alternate Universe).

Trigger Warnings: Implied Torture/Implied Character Suicide/Implied Character Death.

No need to look so pathetic.

The words rang in his ears long after they'd been said. It wasn't exactly what Maxim Horvath had expected to hear. Not from the woman he loved.

They'd won. David's naïveté had cost him more than just his life. Morgana had put an end to Balthazar by stopping his heart with a plasma bolt to the chest. Veronica was Merlin's only remaining apprentice. The only one who hadn't turned against him anyway.

Maxim didn't know exactly why Morgana had spared the other woman. Perhaps it had something to do with their time in the grimhold. Or maybe she was hesitant to kill a fellow sorcerer when their kind were so few and far between already. He had no way of knowing for sure. Morgana refused to speak of it now that she was back in her own body.

She hadn't even bothered to acknowledged him since she'd demanded he destroy the grimhold. That hurt. He'd spent 1270 years waiting to be reunited with her. He'd housed her body in his own focus so it wouldn't age or decay, at great risk to his own life, yet she wouldn't even look at him.

Maxim felt an elbow to his ribs and bit back a curse as Mordred pushed past him. It hadn't taken long for the last living morganians to surface. With the merlinians more or less extinct and The Rising a success, they saw no point in hiding. The world was theirs.

"Watch where you're going, mongrel."

Maxim sighed.

One thing he hadn't missed over the last millennia was the "company" of his fellow morganians most of whom lacked finesse or substance. Maxim would've preffered Drake Stone as an alli over Mordred Le Fay any day of the week.

Morgana's nephew was a vicious little prick with a penchant for torture. He coveted Morgana's prime powers and her body. He was a threat and Horvath knew it hence why they'd never got on well. He had merely tolerated Mordred for the sake of his aunt.

"So how is this going to work?" Mordred asked, examining a map of the world.

They'd gathered together at what had once served as the home of the president of the U.S.A to decide whom would rule where. With only seven master sorcerers, such a task should've been quite simple, but alas...morganians tended to be greedy, self-serving and argumentative. Maxim didn't care who got what so long as he was by Morgana's side.

"Europe is mine," Morgana announced from her seat at the head of the table. "South America shall go to Elaine. I am bequeathing Australia to my nephew. Accolon should find plenty of entertainment in Africa. Daemory has asked to stay in North America and I see no reason not to let her. Veronica will reign over Asia. Maxim may take Antarctica."

Maxim frowned. "But, Morgana, I thought-"

Morgana raised a hand for silence. "I've already made my decision. Anybody who questions my authority or disobeys my orders will be executed."

Maxim couldn't believe it. She was going to send him away. After all they'd been through and everything he had endured. Horvath had risked everything-even his own life-just to be with her again, yet...despite his best efforts, it seemed his worst nightmare had STILL come to pass. Morgana no longer loved him.

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