Allies (T)

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Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING!!! The Sorcerer's Apprentice and all its characters belong to Disney.

Rated: T (Teen): Implied Sexual Situations, Implied Homosexuality.

Prompt: #80

Trigger Warnings: None.

Maxim was carving another figurine whenever Mordred called out to him from down the hall. Horvath muttered a curse under his breath as he glanced up to see Morgana's nephew closing the distance between them. He had never been particularly fond of the Le Fay boy. He was arrogant, brash and unpredictable in the most unsettling of ways. "What is it, Mordred?"

"My aunt will see you now," Mordred sneered, "Mongrel."

Maxim quirked an eyebrow. "I thought I wasn't supposed to visit her chamber tonight."

Mordred shrugged. "Women are indecisive beasts. They're incapable of making up their minds about anything. I was told to get you, so here I am."

Maxim slid his carving knife and unfinished figurine back into his satchel for later. The doors to Morgana's chambers were unlocked whenever he gripped the knob. The sound of a somewhat familiar male voice made him pause.

A bubble of laughter from Morgana immediately set off warning bells in the back of Maxim's mind. Morgana Le Fay only laughed whenever she and Maxim were alone together. Most of the time it was when they were in bed and had just finished a bout of love making. A torrent of fury, fear and possessiveness surged inside of him and he shoved through the doors. 

Morgana bolted upright out of her chair nearly sending the man she'd been kissing moments ago toppling over onto the floor. "Horvath! I told you not to come here!"

"And now I know why," Maxim retorted. 

The young man sprawled on the floor pushed himself up into a sitting position giving Maxim a clear view of his all-too-familiar face. 

Bors the Younger of Ebrauc stared up at him. He was a handsome man with beige blonde hair, deep blue eyes and a tamed anchor beard. Maxim despised the knight. Morgana knew why, yet she had welcomed Bors into her home-and if the disheveled sheets were anything to go by-her bed. The same bed she'd promised she'd share only with him.

"I catch you doing the Gods only know what with some other man and you have the audacity to snarl at me?"

Morgana bristled. "I am not your property, Horvath! I'll say and do whatever I wish with whomever I please!"

Maxim couldn't decide what hurt more, learning that the woman he adored had taken another lover, or the fact she wouldn't even call him by his first name.  She knew Merlin had stopped referring to him by first name after Balthazar had come along and that the old sorcerer had pushed him away completely by the time Veronica entered the picture. Now she was doing it as well, setting him aside just like his old master, without mercy or remorse. 

"One wonders why you and Merlin detest each other so much," he spat, "You're just alike." 

"Don't you dare say such things! You know exactly why I hate that old fool," Morgana seethed.

He did know.  Morgana had told him after taking him to bed.  Merlin was the reason Uther Pendragon had killed her father and impregnated her mother.  Maxim knew it was cruel, bringing up what she'd told him confidentially, but she'd shattered his heart. He wanted Morgana to suffer the exact same pain-or at the very least something similar-she'd inflicted upon him.

"You are what they say you are-a heartless, cruel witch!"

His voice wavered under the stress of his sorrow and rage, but didn't crack, and for that Maxim was grateful. He was tired of playing the fool. His heart and his trust had been broken far too many times.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2018 ⏰

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