Chapter Eight: Chase

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[Kora] Chapter Eight


~Earlier Today:

"And tutoring my classmate, or friend...," I responded, after I realized completely.

During shooting, within that moment of saying that response, I remembered that I would have to tutor Nick, and he would tutor me. To be completely honest, I forgot all about it. Although I remember my cheeks grew hot as I said it on live tv, because I, out of all the people, forgot about something so important. But the truth is, I felt really bad about forgetting everything. 

Which led me to his doorsteps at the end of shooting.


I looked at the ground as soon as the door swung open. I heard Nick mutter my name, and I figured that would be my queue to speak.

"Nick, sorry it's so sudden that I came over here. Just today for shooting, some fan asked me about how I keep up with everything, and I went on talking about school and acting, and then at the end I-," I get interrupted.

"You felt bad?"

He read right through me.

"How did you know?," I shoot my eyes up at him.

His expression was dark, and I couldn't read through him. He seemed annoyed in someway, and I couldn't help wonder.

There was a silence for a second, and right after he just mumbled and looked at the ground this time," I saw your show."

"You saw it that's great! How was I?," I smile at his response.

"Don't get ahead of yourself Acosta," he says.

"But anyway, I saw your show with Dean, and you looked at the camera, and forgot," he continues.

"That's why I'm here..I feel bad," I say.

He looks at me, and he utterly looks annoyed. Maybe upset.

He sighs.

"Go home Acosta," he looks at me.

"Nick...wait!?-," I say but get cut off from the gaze in his eyes, as they shoot right at me.

"Kora! Go home!! Now!," he says pleading.

I don't understand what's going on but I nod to him and start walking back to my house. After Nick shuts the door, another door opens. It's a car door. I continue walking and then look back at the car.  A man steps out of the car holding a brief case, wearing a suit. His facial features almost exactly like Nick's, but in an older perspective, giving me chill.

The man then turns and looks at me, but I quickly turn away and walk towards home.

But one question hits my mind...

Is he Nick's father?

Then two more...

Was he waiting for me to leave to enter? Or was he waiting for Nick?

In the end, I shook it off my mind and carried on home. This week that drama I was shooting would be aired on tv on Friday.  This was something to have my mind set on, not Mara.

Once I get home, Matt greets me.

"Kora! Welcome home!," he sets the newspaper down on the coffee table.

"Hi Matt."

"Can I ask you a question about today's shooting?"

I look at him.

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