Chapter Fifteen: Rivals

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[Nick] Chapter Fifteen

I stare at her.

We sit here in the hospital next to each other. Completely, here together. The only difference is she's asleep. Fast asleep.

A little while after being comforted by her hold, I let go. Then she got the best out of me, and we small talked for a while only about the subject of myself and my dad's condition, making sure I was alright. We sat down together, waiting quite a while on the news of my dad. During that time she slung her arm pulling my neck and with her grin she gave me an "everything's going to be okay" kind of smile. She didn't have to say anything, but she reassured me. I guess I put her through a lot this week because after, she leaned against my shoulder and passed out.

I think a little while after I fell asleep too.

But here I am awake now, and well she's still asleep, I guess that's okay.

I look at the clock, and it reads 12:32 in the morning. Then I gaze back at Kora.

Her hands with pencil smears fall into her lap, her black hair hangs over her shoulders, her big eyes are closed, and she breathes deeply as she sleeps.

I breath and sigh.

You've helped me Kora.

Helped me again.

This is all I could ever say, but I would never be able to say it in person for the time being.

Still staring at her, the remembrance of the sight of my dad passing out remains fresh in my mind.

We were together sitting at the table, eating dinner, then after a while he starts coughing. Thinking it's nothing, I give him a glass of water, but before he drinks he coughs, with that cough blood comes out.

I didn't know what to do.

After that he coughs some more, and I felt myself in shock, it was the worst feeling I've experienced. Then the worst part of all was when he falls over his chair, losing consciousness.  At that time I lost it, lost it completely. I bit my lip hard, and dialed 911, I think I started shaking holding my dad.

I sat there in complete silence, holding my dad's head in my arms. Looking down, but after that I remember clearly the paramedics came and got my dad. Still shaking they told me to come too. After that I called Rob in the ambulance.

I was scared for my life, but in reality scared for my dad's life. Completely shaken, and felt the wrong way.

But now it has been hours since I have seen my dad.

And hours since Kora's sat with me waiting by my side, taking away the panick.

Hours since she walked in, and hugged me. Hours since I've talked to her. The first hours I've talked to her this week.

Minutes go by slowly, but then a man with black shades on, and a collared top comes into the room, taking a seat across from me.

He holds a Starbucks coffee cup in his hand, and papers in the other.

Taking off his shades, he reveals his eyes, the exact shade of brown like Kora's. Making eye contact with me he hands me the paper, and I reach out and grab it from him, ending it with a handshake.

"I'm guessing you're Nick?," he says, looking at me and then Kora.

I nod and he grins, a similar smile to Kora's as well.

"I'm Matt Sherwood, Kora's manager, and chauffer, and life supporter," he sips a sip of his coffee.

"Life supporter huh?," I ask.

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