Chapter Eleven: Relief

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[Nick] Chapter Eleven

The streets are burning with Kora and my footprints as we run. I don't know why I grabbed her hand and ran, but I did. I keep running, pulling her along until we reach the park gazebo and I sit her down.

She won't look at me in the eye.

"Just what the hell were you trying to pull?!," I sigh into the cold air.

She won't respond.


I repeat her name.

"Kora..are you going to answer me or not?"

I think she's about to say something but it's a false alarm and she just crosses her arms.

"There's a mark on your face," she finally says.

"Yeah. I know it's from when Chris slapped me," I reply.

I take a seat next to her.

"Look Nick, I didn't do it because you wanted me to. I did it because I couldn't stand having someone live that way. I couldn't stand having anyone live that way. Who would want to live that way? I did it because it was wrong. Wrong under a lot of circumstances. I did it because I felt like it. I felt like it because you needed a change."


She cuts me off.

"Even though you gave me a hard time, and sometimes I don't understand're still someone I know. It seemed like you we're in trouble-," she says seriously.

"So you better be thankful because I just spent three days figuring out how to solve your problem," she ends.

Her words hit me hard. Not in a way that makes me grow furious, but instead it's something a big sigh of relief. Hesitantly reassuring.

I can't find the words to say anything but sit there and breathe.

"You don't have to say anything right now, as I know it's overwhelming," she reads me like a book.

"No. It's okay..," I respond.



"Are you happy or mad honestly?," she says as the wind blows through her hair.

I shift a little, and I ask myself the same question inside.

I don't feel happy, but I don't feel mad.

"I can't say I'm happy Kora..-"

"Wait!? So you're mad!?," she starts freaking out.

"Nor..can I say I'm mad," I finish.

She looks dazed and moves closer to hear me.

"Then how do you feel?," she questions, looking me in the eyes.


I say my feeling, and in the end she nods. We sit there, time passing by not saying anything.  The cold air blows through the gaps of the gazebo, and I think what a hectic Friday night it has turned out to be. Although in the end, I think we both feel that way...relieved. But it isn't long until me, myself, and I feel something else, and I think Kora sees it too.

"Nick!," she ends the silence, her eyes wide open staring at me.

"What?," I reply to her call with a cough.

"Are you okay? I mean you're turning pale?"

"What? I feel okay, it's just a little hot I guess..,"  I sigh.

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