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    Your yellow eyes flash as you unsheath your sword. Three Galra droids are heading right for you. Jumping to your left, you dodge the blow of the first droid, and with the momentum of that jump, you slice the head off of the second droid, its electric body lying on the floor in front of you.
    The first droid swings at you with its blade, but you easily block it. The third droid runs at you from behind, so you slide under the legs of the first droid, and it stumbles, the force of your bind lost, and you slice it into two halves from underneath. The third droid turns his sword into a gun with some new Galran technology, and fires straight for you. It hits the ground as you move, sending sparks where you had just been seconds ago.
     You jump up with great agility and block the many beams from the gun with your sword. The droid keeps firing, and the sword deflects the beams in all different directions. Then, you turn the sword just a little, and the beam from the Galra gun deflects off of your sword and straight into the Galra droids chest. Then, after slicing through it with your sword for good measure, you walk over its sparking body and through the door, leaving the training session.
     You take a few steps down the hallway, letting down your flowing white hair from its messy bun into a simple ponytail. Your pale peach skin slowly gains more color as you walk, wiping the sweat off of your forehead as you sheath your sword.
     Taking a left turn, you come to the entrance of the throne room. After letting the scanner scan your hand, you walk into the throne room, and after taking a few more steps, you kneel in front of the Galra Emperor, your father, Lotor.
     You keep your head down as your father speaks to you. "(Y/N)." Lotor states, standing up from his throne, his deep voice still makes you shiver. The guards for Lotor's throne snap to attention as he stands.
     "Yes, father?" You ask quietly, keeping your eyes down until Lotor permits you to look up, as has always been the custom between you two since you could remember.
     "Look up." Lotor commands as your head snaps up, your eyes meeting. You nervously await his next words. "I saw your training session. You are fierce, I must say," Lotor says, his silky voice making you tense. Your fear still outweighing your hatred for this man, you stay still, "But there is something that I must say. There is something holding you back. Darling, I ask that you would tell me."
     Fearfully, you answer in a small voice. "F-father... you have been cruel." You don't break your eye contact, trying to stay courageous despite your fear. Lotor's expression is unreadable as you continue. "We have been on planet Arus for weeks now, and the people on this planet..." You hesitate, almost at a loss for words, but this is extremely important to you, so you keep speaking. "Their water is dirty, and they are forced to eat scraps, and even those are rare. They do not deserve to be treated this way."
     Lotor stiffens, then looks at his hand as if it were the most interesting thing he'd ever seen. Then, right as you blink, Lotor's hand comes upon you. Expecting a slap to the face, you close your eyes, but it never comes. His hand rests gently on your shoulder.
     "Daughter, do not fear, you know I will not hurt you." Lotor speaks, in what he thinks is a comforting voice. Yeah right, you think, opening your eyes as Lotor goes on. "So naive, just as I once was. I thought the way to get people on my side was to recruit them, but after that wretch of an Altean betrayed me, I knew I was wrong." Lotor explains, clearly referring to Allura and the quintessence. "Ever since I found this unlimited quintessence, it has not corrupted me, but taught me. I now know that enslaving others is the only way to get them to listen to you. Now, dear, I ask that you would stop thinking of others and think of your Empire. Now, leave me." Lotor commands, turning around and going back to his throne.
     Doing as your father commands, you walk out of the throne room, leaving your Emperor behind you as the doors shut. A wretch of an Altean is what you are, you think as you head towards your ship, hoping to get help from the Paladins of Voltron.

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