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     You'd been in the jail cell for a couple days now. You were angry at being held captive and not being able to do anything, but you knew this was the only way to earn the paladins' trust. It was all white inside with a bunk like the Paladins had except smaller, and a forcefield keeping you from escaping. Surprisingly, no one had attacked Voltron or the Balmera as of late, so the Paladins are able to switch out watches over you. They hadn't guarded Lotor's cell, but they didn't know what to think now, so they guarded you for good measure, and you didn't blame them.
     They would switch out every few hours. You slowly gained facts about each paladin. Keith was quiet, but you could see that he was strong willed and an extremely good fighter just by his demeanor. He would mostly flip his blade around in his hand, but occasionally he would look at you curiously.
     You could tell Hunk was kind. His general expressions around the other Paladins, at least from what you saw, told you this. He never spoke to you, and tried to avoid eye contact as much as possible out of fear. You eventually learn from another paladin that he was the one who cooked the food. And, as you had gotten thinner over the past few days, Hunk gave you food in bigger portions, and you silently thanked him for his care every time you ate.
     Shiro would mostly watch over you in the night. He would watch you as you fitfully slept, the nightmares waking you up in a cold sweat, or watch you sit silently in the dark. You could tell he had been through some serious things before, and he sometimes asked you about your life, but you were scared to open up, and you would normally stay quiet.
     Lance was different. He would look at you with scorn all of the time. You could tell that he had had bad experiences with Lotor before, and most people would think of it as shallow that he would judge you based on your heritage (Allura as well), but you know that he's just scared to look into it more deeply. You'd been through worse things than someone judging you based on Lotor. He would always shoot small glances at you when he thought you weren't looking, but you normally saw them.
     Lastly, Pidge. There was something about her that you really liked, but you weren't sure what, other than the fact that she would talk to you and ask questions that weren't too hard to answer, plus her general stance and demeanor. She at first came off to you as someone who would be a bad people person at times, but you guess if it's two introverts together, then you can find the right things to say to each other.
The first time she guarded you, this was the conversation:

     You lay on your bunk and stare at the ceiling as the guard changes from Hunk to Pidge. Hunk scurries away nervously, glancing at you one last time as he runs through the doorway.
Pidge brought an earth device, A laptop, right?, you think as Pidge sits down next to the cell and leans against the wall and opens her computer up. After a few minutes of silence, Pidge asks, in a small voice, not looking up from her computer, "So, what's your name?"
You are startled at the fact that someone was talking to you, asking such a simple question.
     All that comes out is, "W-what?" You sit up slightly, looking at Pidge. She still looks at her computer as she adjusts her glasses.
     "What's your name?" she asks again, not at all in a mocking tone as she types something.
     "Oh... it's (Y-Y/N)," you stutter slightly, blushing. Pidge asked in such a different tone than you would have expected from the paladins. She smiles a little and types something else, and then looks at you.
     You are startled by the sudden eye contact, but don't look away. Instead of looking at you in fear, Pidge looks at you in wonder and curiosity. It was quite a relief to not be feared or fearful around someone. She studies your features, and you can't help but ask, "Are you wondering how much Galra and Altean I am?"
     Pidge looks at you and smiles, and you smile back, showing your fangs, but Pidge didn't flinch. "Actually, yes, if you wouldn't mind explaining..." Pidge says quietly, scratching the back of her head.
     "Well, I have Galra strength, sense of smell, sight, and sense of hearing. I can sometimes turn purple and furry, mostly in my hands and around my hair, if I get extremely scared or angry," you explain. Pidge eagerly types the information onto her computer and has a sheepish, geeky grin on her face, and you can't help but laugh a bit. You realize you are fine giving away this information because the paladins, you hope, will be on your side one day. "I have the skin and facial features of an Altean, except for my eyes, which are yellow, like most Galra. I do have Altean marks, but they're extremely faint."
     Pidge had a look of pure happiness on her face. She really is inquisitive! You smile, and say quickly, "Oh, I also have fangs... if you didn't notice already..." Pidge laughs a genuine laugh at your remark and you smile even wider as you laugh, too.

     From that moment on you knew that Pidge could be a great friend of yours... if the paladins ever learned to fully trust you. Ever since that day Pidge had asked a few more questions, and generally just creating small talk, and you eventually felt very comfortable around Pidge, and were disappointed whenever she would change shifts.

     Then, one night, things changed between you and the Blue Paladin.

I kNoW iT's BeEn SuPeR lOnG sInCe I'vE pOsTeD i'M sOrRy
So. School.
How's it going for you guys? School is fun but it keeps me super busy and exhausted. I'll try and post new parts for my other two stories this weekend. Have a great day/night!
(Also sorry for the filler chapter) :P

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