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     I better be quick and subtle about this, you think as you walk past two guards, waving them off. Jumping into your ship, you fit your helmet onto your head and take a deep breath before turning everything on. Pressing a button on the screen above you, the airspace opens.
     A robotic Galra voice comes on over the speakers of your ship. Your ship has not been authorized to take off. Close the doors and power down immediately. Emperor Lotor is being notified. Ignoring the message, you start flying, and in a matter of seconds you are outside of the Galra battleship.
     Your ship was the fastest in all of the Galra fleets, second only to Lotor's. You are about to open a wormhole, but then realize that you would be leaving Planet Arus, and all of its citizens. Lotor would surely take out his wrath on them. Knowing you couldn't save them all in one little ship, as fast as it was, you set the ship on autopilot and mute the intercom voice telling you to land as you rush to the back of the ship and get into the food stores.
     There was only enough for five days of sustenance for a Galra soldier, but the Arusians are small and few. One day of food for a Galra soldier could last three days for the whole of the Arusian village. Picking up four days of food, you pilot your ship just above the Arusian village. Then, you drop the food down to them, hoping it could last them for a little while.
     Sitting back down, you try to open a wormhole, but nothing happens as Lotor's face came upon one of the screens. "You have grown soft, haven't you, (A/N)." Lotor mocks, his voice just as silky over the speakers as it was in real life, and still gave you chills. Shoot, you think as you try to fix the wormhole machine, but your attempts are futile. "Daughter, land now, and your punishment will only last one day. Try to escape, and your punishment will be much more severe." Lotor's eyes flashed in anger, waiting for your inevitable response.
     In other words, no mercy. Well, I made this decision. I can't wormhole, Lotor can control that, but he can't control my own flying. Time to escape, You think, cutting off Lotor's transmission and zooming off into the far outreaches of space. You could hear Lotor's screams of rage in your head as you tried to locate Voltron with the recent Galra technology that you had stolen from Lotor's ship.
Suddenly you swerved to the left, barely dodging a beam from one of the Galra fleets. Great, a whole fleet to escape. Good thing I've been forced to escape one for training before, You think as you finally locate Voltron. You follow the blip on the map while setting up your own defenses. I can't lead the Galra to Voltron, that would just jeopardize everything. I'm the only one with this location technology, so if I can fight off these ships, then I'll get to Voltron.
     Changing course, you turn the ship around, facing the large fleet of fifty ships. They are all in formation, as if waiting for something. Lotor is coming. They should just shoot, Father's ego is jeopardizing everything for him. You think. I could start the fight... or I could try and fix the wormhole again. Making a quick decision, you put up your small particle barrier and look towards your control panel. You click the wormhole button, and a voice comes over the intercom.
     "Enter password to open wormhole," the voice says as a small keyboard comes up on the screen, along with a box for the password. Shoot. I can't hack anything... You think, angry that you hadn't learned this skill. Suddenly, Lotor's face comes up on the screen once more.
"This is your last chance, daughter. Surrender," Lotor's voice says over the intercom. A smile lit up your face as you realized you were about to fight the hybrid you had loathed for every second of your life. You looked up and saw a line of fifty Galra ships, and Lotor's ship hovering above them.
     "Here goes nothing," you say, shutting off Lotor's transmission and flying full force into the line of Galra ships, shooting and hitting seven of the Galra ships in less than five seconds, although Lotor easily dodges. Swerving and diving, you dodge almost every shot, and as your aim was impeccable, combined with your ship's targeting system, in a few minutes you have shot most of the ships, leaving three ships, including Lotor's.
     Wait... Lotor is waiting for something. He could have easily hit me, even I can't beat him. You realize you don't have a chance to think as one of the smaller ships shoots at you again.    Sighing, you dodge and set your ship on autopilot just for a moment. You typed extremely fast, trying every password you could think of. Witch... nope... Zarkon... no... Hagaar... shoot... You think, still racking your mind for other possibilities. Vrepit Sa... no, too obvious... Altea... no... wait—
     You are cut off as your ship swerves for you, dodging more shots from the two smaller ships. Lotor remained dormant. Regaining your composure, you put in your last resort. Allura... the light that had been red, preventing the wormhole from opening, turned green. Taking back the controls, you finally take down the last two ships, a shot from one skimming your particle barrier.
     Opening the wormhole, you are about to zoom through, still shocked about the password and knowing you couldn't defeat your father. But suddenly, everything stops as a beam of bright purple light comes from Lotor's ship. Instead of deflecting off the particle barrier, it was taking it down. Your ship isn't moving either.
     Suddenly the beam breaks into your ship, and you feel a searing pain in your side as the beam flashes before you. You gasp as you realize what just happened. Ignoring the agonizing pain, you yell, and with the last of the ship's energy, you fly through the wormhole, and as it closed behind you, you hear Lotor's fading voice, "No mercy."
     As tears from the pain roll down your cheeks and the space around you threatens to suck you out of your ship, you hit the distress signal button and clutch your side, looking at the beauty of the Balmera, and the Voltron lions sitting atop it.

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