The Attack

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     Then, one night, things changed between you and the Blue Paladin.
     But that did not happen for a while.
     The life seemed to slowly drain out of you as you sat in that cell. The only things keeping you sane were the talks with Pidge, but even those were starting to grow dull. Especially as Pidge became more and more busy trying to contact her family on Earth.
     All of the Paladins were starting to get jumpy. As more people and aliens came in and out of the planet's atmosphere, such as Keith's mother, Krolia, the Paladins became more and more wary.
     But nothing worried you more than the constant throb of pain in your side that became worse every day.
     The scar from Lotor's quintessence beam had healed, the healing pod had taken care of that, but it didn't fix whatever was going on in the inside.
     Even Pidge hadn't noticed your discomfort. You had become so well versed at hiding your agony from Lotor that you now did it with everyone you met... but it was starting to become unbearable.
     The days and weeks passed as slowly as it seemed possible, and the constant ache never ceased. Your conversations with Pidge slowly got shorter and shorter, more awkward as time went on.
     And the wait. You couldn't stand how long the wait was... you knew Lotor was out there, but no one believed you. You had tried telling them multiple times but it never went over well. You ran through a memory in your head:
     '"Allura...," you called softly, sitting up on your bunk, trying not to wince.
     "What?" Allura asked in a sharp tone, avoiding eye contact. You knew she wouldn't look at you, but you kept your eyes on her. This was too important.
     "I know you won't believe me... but I can't stop telling you," you say, trying to keep the desperation out of your voice. "Lotor. He's--he's still out there. He's probably plotting to come here right now--" you turned away as the Princess cut you off, disappointed and even more worried than before.
     "I told you never to speak that name," Allura says, her voice monotone, her eyes on the ground.
     "Allura, please," your voice cracks from the combined worry, desperation, and pain. You immediately tense up, but keep speaking, "I know how awful he is. That's why we need to take action."
     Allura's posture seemed to soften, and then tense up again. Suddenly, she ran out of the room, and you almost swore you could see a tear running down her cheek.'
     Then, all at once, your cell shook, and you snapped out of the memory. Shiro ran into the room, stumbling as the ship rattled again. He clicked a button... and the door to your cell opened.
     You raised your eyebrows and asked, "Shiro, what's going on?"
     "The Galra are attacking with some new weapon. You need to come with me... we are evacuating, and you're traveling with me in my lion."
     Then reality hit. Lotor was attacking, but the Paladins still didn't realize it. "A new weapon? Is it a quintessence beam of some sort?" you ask, sitting up, not even feeling pain this time.
     "Yes... how--" Shiro cut himself off as the cell shook again, "Come on, we have to leave!" You knew you would have to explain later and tried to stand, but almost immediately, a shooting pain hit you in the stomach, but this time it seemed to stretch farther than usual.
Shiro's eyes widened, but this didn't seem to phase him as he grabbed your arm and let you lean on his shoulder.
     A flash of blue was seen at the end of the hallway.
     "Lance!" Shiro called, adjusting his grip on you and taking a couple steps.
     Lance rushed in, and you were surprised he could hear Shiro over all of the noise. Maybe human hearing was better than you thought.
"What is it, Shiro?" Lance asked, shooting you a dirty glare.
     "I need you to take (Y/N) in your lion. Something's wrong and with Pidge gone, you need to take her. She's injured somehow," Shiro said, trying to hand you over to Lance.
     "Wait, where's Pidge? Why can't you take me? What's going on?" you ask, wincing again as you rested your weight on Lance's strong shoulder.
     "Explanation later! Come on!" Lance scolded, practically dragging you to his lion. Even though you could hear the hatred in his voice, you could hear some sympathy in there.
     But someone was in the way of Blue.

I kNoW iT's BeEn FoReVeR i'M sOrRy!!!! School and sports and band and art and etc. etc. etc. took up all of my time!! Volleyball season is over now, though, so now I can finally write again! I'm excited for the next chapter you guys. This was a filler and some foreshadowing... the next one will have lots of action! Please comment your feedback and thanks for your patience! ^•^ have a great day/night!

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