First Impressions

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     Ignoring the beeping of your damaged ship, you send a small Galra drone to patch up the hole in the ship. It was done in a matter of seconds, and you turn it off afterwards. You lift your black and purple, long sleeved shirt up just enough to see the wound. You feel yourself getting slightly weaker as tiny purple balls of quintessence come out of your bloody gash. After a few minutes, you are able to stay awake as the quintessence finally stops flowing out of you. You put your shirt back down, knowing you could do nothing to heal or clean it until you landed. It had felt like hours until a voice came over the intercom. It sounded strangely happy, and the man had a type of accent.
     "We have received your distress signal, and are sending the Black Lion to come and get you, but I warn you, any funny business, and you will be shot down!" The man's voice says enthusiastically, yet seriously. You manage a small "Thank you," as the intercom closes off and you see the Black Lion coming towards you.
     It really is beautiful, you think to yourself as the Black Lion comes under you and latches its wings onto the bottom of your ship. You gratefully rested and closed your eyes as the Black Lion smoothly flew you back down to the surface of the Balmera.
     As you felt the lion land, you open your eyes to see a new type of Altean ship, much smaller than the original but surreal all the same, and you see the four Paladins, two Alteans, a couple Balmerans, and a few other Galra spread out across the surface. That must be the Blade of Marmora, You think. Looking over the rest of the Paladins, you name them based on the descriptions you had heard from your father.
     The short one dressed in green had to be Pidge. She's the smart one, right? Next to her you see someone very tall in the same uniform the Blades were wearing. You knew this one was Keith, the one who had left the team for a while to help the Blades. Nice mullet, you laugh. On the other side of the short Paladin was a bigger paladin dressed in yellow. This must be Hunk. He looks nice, you think as you keep looking over the Paladins. Next to Hunk was a man with an orange mustache and extremely bright eyes. That has to be Coran, he spoke to me over the intercom. Next to him was a beautiful Altean girl, her white hair flowing behind her. Wow. She must be Princess Allura. Her eyes, they're so sparkly! How bad could Lotor hate her? You think, smiling slightly. Lastly, you see a Paladin dressed in Blue standing next to Keith, his arms folded. He seemed like the flirty type, just based on his looks. That's Lance. No question.
     You open the door to your ship as you hear a firm knock. You see the Black Paladin, He must be Shiro, you think, turning your head to get a better look at him. He comes closer to you, warily, and holds out his hand. "Grab on. I'll fly you down to the surface of the Balmera," Shiro commands warmly as you grab his hand. Trying to stand, you wince, falling back into your seat.
     Shiro speaks into his helmet, "Coran, get a healing pod ready, and a Blade." Shiro says. He puts his arm around your waist, and you flinch, not at all used to contact. Sensing this, Shiro says, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. Grab onto me, and I'll fly you down," Shiro says calmly, gently putting his hand around your waist again. You were uncomfortable, but you knew you could trust Shiro, and you let him help you up. You winced and tried your hardest not to make a sound, and you slowly walked out of you ship and jumped off of the Black Lion. Shiro's jet pack kicked on and gently floated you down.
     Once you hit the surface, you noticed that Hunk was extremely worried, and Allura looked shocked and skeptical, but you could tell she was kind. "What are you?" Allura asks, clearly referring to your odd looks. You had yellow Galra eyes, and the rest of you looked Altean. The Altean marks were extremely faint. You could move your ears and had heightened senses of smell and hearing like the Galra, but barely looked like one.
     You winced as Shiro adjusted his grip on you. You noticed the Paladins' sympathetic and curious looks. "I-I am part Altean and p-part Galra." You stutter, trying to sound as normal as possible, but failing.
     Lance's jaw dropped. Everyone else's eyes widened. "How? The only way that could be possible would be..." Pidge asked silently, not meaning for anyone else to hear her. Everyone looked to the left to see a Blade walking over to them.
     "Ah, good. Now, do you know who this is?" Allura asks, more a command then a question. The Blade looked at you, shocked and angry as he answers. His furry ears twitch, and his look at you is full of loathing.
     "She is the daughter of Lotor," he states in a strong, deep voice. This time everyone's jaw drops, including Shiro, who accidentally, out of shock, drops you. You feel your strength returning, and you are just able to stay standing, before you are pinned against the leg of the Black Lion by the neck.
     You wince again, in more pain, having been unexpectedly moved, and start to choke. Struggling for breath, you make inaudible noises. You open your eyes to see that Allura was the one pinning you. "You wretch! How can you even live with yourself? You—" Allura bursted out, her grip getting tighter on your neck until Shiro pulled Allura off of you, not easily though, for she struggled much, and you fell to the ground. You take deep, ragged breaths, as you try to gain your composure. Looking up, you see Hunk holding out his hand to you. He looked extremely sympathetic.
     Ignoring Hunk, the stares, and the cries of Allura, you pull yourself up with the leg of the Black Lion. You look at Lance and see he looks almost as bitter as Allura. Looking down, you notice the pool of blood that has formed by your feet and cough. Blood comes out of your mouth and spatters over the ground in front of you, and you wince in pain as one tear comes out of the corner of your eye.
     "She needs to go to the healing pod!" Pidge commands, looking to Shiro for back up. You look to Shiro, the Paladin you trust most, and then you fall the the ground as everything goes black.

     Hey guys. Sorry for the change to the story (it's not Lance x Reader anymore). I'm just not comfortable writing a romance with the reader. Anyways I hope you like the new chapter, and thanks for the number 239 ranking in #Lotor! You guys are awesome, and please comment your feedback. :3

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