Chapter 3

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Emily POV

Jakie pulls me around the corner to the stairs and pulls me down onto the third stair from the bottom.

"So any updates in the life of a pregnant werewolf?" She asks.

"Um... Lots of vomiting, but nothing much." I admit, with a chuckle.

"That's good that there's not too much happening." She says, rubbing my back.

"Yeah, So what happened between you and Peter?" I ask.

"First of all, he's fucking Spiderman!--"

"Wait he's gay?! And having sex with Spiderman?!" I question.


"HE IS HAVING SEX WITH SPIDERMAN?!" I repeat getting really confused at her announcement.

"OH MY GOD EMILY. HE IS SPIDERMAN!" She yells in my face.

"OHHH!!!" I shriek and Jakie rolls her eyes at me. She explains what happened and I give her a sympathetic look.

Isaac POV

Dean drags me around the corner and into the dining room, by my wrist. He lets go of my arm, and I rub it up and down from his death grip.

"You're dating my girlfriend's best friend, huh?" He asks quizzically, raising his eyebrows, and crossing his arms over his chest. 

"Yes. Is that a problem?" I answer with a smirk.

"Only if you break her heart. If you do, you can count on me to kill you, and give your entrails to Hellhounds at the end of the year." He says, smirking right back at me.

"Is that all? I would never break Jakie's heart!" I inform and turn on my heel to get back to JJ.

"Yeah. Just... Welcome to our humble abode." He responds with a smile.

Emily POV

"Hey, Sweetie." I greet Dean, as soon as we get back into the kitchen.

"What time is it? I'm starving!" Dean complains after giving me a kiss on the lips. He grabs the keys to his car.

"Hey! Can I come with?" I yell across the house as I get our coats and shoes.

"Of course, Em." He says and kisses me on the cheek as we get into the chilly car. I shudder under my warm coat and hear shuffling from the back seat. After a couple of minutes, the shuffling stops, and a fuzzy blanket is dropped onto my lap.

"When did you put a blanket in the car?" I ask, and wrap it around myself.

"A couple days ago." He answers, grabbing my hand, and giving it a small squeeze.

"Okay. Then I will use it to my advantage." I say triumphantly. "Where are we going?"

"To the store to get some pie. What flavor do you want?" He asks, turning into the parking lot of the corner store.

"Apple, or strawberry," I announce as he gets out of the car.

"Come in with me?" He requests. 

"Nah." I smirk and he rolls his eyes. 

Soon he comes back with the pie and we head home. 


"Look who's finally back!" Sam shouts from the front porch, as we rumble into the driveway. After we park, I hop out of the car and go into the house. Dean follows close behind with the bags of food, and I pull a platter down from one of the highest shelves of one of my cupboards. It fumbles in my hands, and just as I'm about to drop it, Scott grabs it before it would've shattered all across the wooden floor.

"Thanks," I mumble and sit down in one of the cushioned chairs in the kitchen.

"Anytime, Em," Scott says, setting the plate down on the table. Dean sets the plastic bags on the marble countertop and unpacks the top, apple pie. I set the plates at different places on the table, and as I put the last one down, I feel someone's arms wrap around my waist and pull me down onto their lap. They give me a peck on the lips, and I know it's Dean. I nuzzle my head into the crook of his neck, and he rests his head on top of mine.

"I have to get the knife--" I start.

"I've got it." Jakie interrupts with a smile. Finally, you're happy!

"Yeah, I am," I say out loud.

"Hm?" Dean asks, but I just shake my head, letting him know that it's not important.

"It's a werewolf thing. Telepathy." I quietly explain in his ear. Suddenly, there's a knock at the door. 

"I'll get it..." Scott answers slowly walking to the door unsure of what he is about to encounter. Sam and Dean grab their guns and push me and Jakie behind them. He turns the knob and pulls the door open to see four people standing on the other side. There are three boys and one girl. One boy in front has jet black hair and looks to be the leader or something. The other boy with jet black, spiky hair stands behind the 'leader' and next to a boy with sandy, dirty blonde hair. The girl has short, brown hair that is a little bit past her ears.

Scott and Isaac embrace the boy in front into a brotherly hug. "Stiles where've you been man? Is it really you?" Scott starts, Sam and Dean put the guns down, as Scott seems to know them. I was shocked to see Stiles or 'Thomas' here though! We all thought we would never see him again.

"It's Thomas now, and I was basically in a different world, I'll fill you in later." He continues walking into the house.

"JJ. Grab these guys some water, they look like crap." Scott says, smiling.

"Stiles-uh- Thomas? Oh my god, whatever hi!" I yell and give him a big hug after pushing my way through Sam and Dean.

"Hey Em." He says hugging me back. "This is Minho." He continues pointing to the boy with the spiky black hair. He smiles nodding to everyone in the room. "This is Brenda." He says pointing to the girl. She waves her hand in a friendly way. "And this is-" He starts, but is cut off from the sound of a glass cup shattering. Everyone turns to Jakie as she dropped a glass on the cold, wood floor. Isaac looks at her with worry in his eye looking back and forth between Jakie and the blonde kid. 

"Newt." She breathes, choking back a sob as her eyes tear up, and her hand flies straight to her mouth. He looks at her confused and broken.

"How do you-" He starts but then his eyes widen as if all his memories come flooding back to him. She runs over to 'Newt' and wraps her arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around her waist. Isaac tenses up. 

Once they pull back Newt pushes his lips on hers and JC almost kisses back before pulling away. 

Isaac looks furious and Dean holds his arm slightly out giving Isaac a look that says 'don't start anything' and ' you'll only make it worse'. 

"Damn Newt you just got rejected!," Minho adds slurring the word. Jakie has a look of guilt on her face realizing it might have looked bad to Isaac. "Newt? You know this shank?" The Minho guy comments breaking the awkward tension.

"Yeah. You never told us you remembered anything. I'm the only one got memories back." Thomas responds.

"They all came back when I saw her. Okay?" 'Newt' adds in his thick accent. Isaac glares hard at this Newt guy and looks as if he is going to tackle him to the ground. Scott just gives JJ a look of pity, knowing she is going to have to sort this out. 

"But I didn't know he was alive. How are you alive?" JC asks giving Newt a confused look.

"Long story," Thomas says. Isaac leaves the room mumbling something about killing Newt underneath his breath. 

"I'll go talk to him," JJ mutters and follows Isaac out of the room.

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