Chapter 34

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We've been driving in a comfortable silence for about 45 minutes when I park the car. We look through the arsenal in the trunk and pick out some knives and some syringes full of dead-man's blood.

We walk into the abandoned barn and the foul smell of death reaches our nostrils. "They must be closeby," Jo whispers as we slowly make our way further into the building.

Something moves off to my right and I spin around ready to strike. I feel her back pressed up against mine and hear her breath quicken. "See something?" I ask quietly.

"Yeah... We're cornered. There's about half a dozen vamps that seem hungry," She whisper-yells and starts to fight off the vampires.

I slash my blade across a vamp's neck and decapitate them, quickly moving on to some others. "How many have you killed?" I inquire and she swipes her knife through the air.

"I think about 4," She replies smugly while I've only killed about 2.

"Well... I think we're done here. We should probably burn the barn down to be sure, but we should quickly head back," I say.

"Alright," She answers and hands me the container of gasoline that we brought in with us. I pour it onto the bodies and get my lighter out of my pocket. I flick it open and spin the igniter to light it. I toss it onto the bodies and we sprint out of the wooden building.

"Nice one!" I pant once we reach the car and kiss her on the lips.

"Thanks," She mumbles and we get in the Impala, starting to drive off back home.


"How was your hunt?" Emily asks as soon as we walk through the door.

"It was okay. Just a couple vamps, nothing too bad," I reply with a smile.

"Good work then," She grins and Jo slaps me on the back.

"Thanks. But we should go unpack." I say heading up to Jo's and my room. I put everything clean away in the respective drawers and the dirty clothes in my laundry basket.

I feel Jo's eyes on me as I work and soon hear her soft snores. "I think we're gonna skip dinner. Jo's asleep," I whisper knowing that Emily can hear me from the kitchen.

"Okay," I hear her faintly call and soon hear a knock on the door.

"Come in," I whisper and she opens the door with a tray of food in hand.

"I made you something anyways, because you shouldn't go to bed without supper," She says.

"Okay," I smile at her and she hands me a bowl of soup with these weird dough-like things in it.

"They're called matzah balls. They're a Jewish food that my mother taught me to make every friday evening for dinner. I make them occasionally but I hope you like them. They aren't from scratch, but they're really good in my opinion," She explains and I take a bite of the warm food.

"That's really good!" I moan and wolf down the rest of my meal because I haven't eaten since we left Chicago.

"I'll wake Jo so she can have some," Emily says and walks over to my girlfriend. She shakes her but Jo doesn't wake. Emily shakes her harder but in the end, punches her in the shoulder.

"OW!" Jo complains clutching her shoulder in pain. "What the hell, Emily?!"

"You wouldn't wake up!" She defends resting her hands on her hips sassily.

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