Chapter 48

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Emily POV

One week passes by, and Jakie is obviously getting close to losing her powers. It seems that she's getting worse and worse; she isn't looking good at all. I walk downstairs, happy that the babies are finally sleeping, and see everyone in the kitchen.

"What's up?" I ask popping the 'p'.

"Nothing much," Sam replies sipping his cup of coffee.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna go for a walk." Jakie states.

"Where are you going?" Scott asks protectively and Jakie rolls her eyes in response with a smile.

"Just by the mountain. You know the one that looks out to the water? It helps me clear my thoughts. Don't worry I won't be out long." She reassures.

"Yeah yeah, okay." Isaac huffs back.

"Peter, you coming?" Jakie suggests, smirking, as she tries to get on Isaac's nerves a bit, and I see him tense up.

"Of course," Peter responds, smiling. The two make their way out of the house, shutting the front door behind them. Isaac immediately rolls his eyes and scoffs. I look over to Scott as he is chuckling lightly. 

"What's wrong, Isaac?" Maya asks innocently.

"Nothing, babe." He says kissing her forehead. I look at Maya with sympathy, as she doesn't quite know that Scott still has feelings for Jakie. I feel bad for her, she deserves better.

Jakie POV

Once we walk out of the door, I giggle, grabbing Peter's hand, and pulling him along with me. He laughs at my childishness, letting himself be dragged. Once I take an abrupt halt, he wraps his arm tightly around my waist, before shooting one of his webs carrying us throughout the forest. I let out a scream in surprise and tighten my grip on his shirt; burying my head in his chest. I slowly lift up my head and open my eyes. We are soaring through the trees and I'm finally able to let loose since I found out I was losing my '6th' sense. I am glad I can have moments like these with Peter... I might never get them again.

A smile plastered across my face, as I look out at the horizon in front of me. Endless acres of forest that seem to never end.

"See? It's not that bad!" Peter hollers before yelling out a whoop, and I laugh at his childishness. Peter swings us on a very tall tree with stable branches at the top so we won't fall. I look out scanning over all the mountain tops taking in the one-of-a-kind sight.

"Peter the view is breathtaking..." I sigh.

"I know," He replies and I turn my head to face him seeing him staring at me with love in his eyes. My cheeks heat up as a crimson blush appears on my face as I realize he was talking about me.

"Come on. Let's go to the 'spot,'" He implies and I nod excitedly. Once we take off I let out a yelp even though I was prepared, and this time I don't bury my head in his chest.

Once we reach the little cliff we settle down near the edge. The view is beautiful and peaceful as the water crashes against the mountainside. I wrap my arms around Peter's waist and lay my head on his chest. While he rests his chin on my head and holds my waist as well.

"I love you..." I sigh with a smile on my face.

"And I love you." He responds.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows as I look at his scrunched up features and a glazed look in his eyes.

"I haven't really taken you out on a date yet," Peter suddenly answers.

"Why is there a need for that?" I question.

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