Batshit theory

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My Scooby-Doo theory for hi-its-lefty
So the theory is:
Fred is the only one without a catchphrase, meaning that he does not feel emotion the way the rest of the gang does, and only works with them to achieve a goal. His disdain for Shaggy and Scooby is very thinly veiled, as he clearly thinks they are idiots and constantly bribes them with Scooby Snax. Scooby Snax are obviously weed edibles, as both Shaggy and Scooby are desperate for them, and they're hippies who are constantly hungry. Classic stoners. Fred, Daphne, and Velma all hold the Snax over Shaggy and Scooby, so they must be using them not only as incentive to solve the mysteries, but to keep them quiet about some secret. What is the secret? We'll get to that. But first, some background.
The Gang's job is to solve mysteries related to monsters and the supernatural. Clearly, in this world, dangerous inhuman beings are a problem. The show has several episodes that take place in abandoned theme parks, houses, warehouses, etc. Why so many abandoned places? Because the nuclear apocalypse has occured, causing mutations that form monsters. The government hires people out to find these monsters. But the monsters are almost always fakes. Why? Because most of the real monsters have been dealt with, or they're bribing the government not to kill them. The government plants fake monsters to keep profiting off of detectives. Some of the monsters that are bribing the government actually work as detectives, to make sure the business has employess and the system stays intact. Fred, Daphne, and Velma are all vampires- that's why they cover their necks using either ascots or a turtleneck. Scooby is a werewolf, but he has more wolf genes, so he's in canine form most of the time, but he can speak like a human. Shaggy is just a normal human, and the werewolves are opressed and used as slaves by the vampires, so Shaggy and Scooby are drugged to keep them from exposing the truth to the public, because if they did, there would be an uprising. Additionally, Fred is the one who bit Velma and Daphne so they would be vampires and be on his side. He didn't bite Shaggy because he hates him and doesn't think he deserves the ability to be immortal. Fred only lives to work towards his goal of working up the vampire social pyramid and becoming powerful. He doesn't really love Daphne, but he's dating her because she's rich. He pretends to be friends with Velma because she's a genius. In reality, he is cold and emotionless. He feels no fear or love or anger, only raw ambition.

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