Hard to Forget

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Though I've come so far

Done so much

It's still a surprise

When I do something well

My whole life

I was told

I wasn't good enough

Will never get far

"Ha ha you? Yeah right!!"

This contributed to my

Depression and anxiety

Now as an adult

I should be proud

Of my accomplishments

Yet I can't shake off

Hard to forget

All the negative phrases

A part of me wants to

Shout from the rooftops

At the world

While my soul still cries with pain

Will I ever be able to put it behind me?

If I'm so strong now

Why do I feel weak

And still not good enough

When I've outdone so many naysayers

When can I make a simple

Phone call without shaking

In my shoes

When can I simply let go

And fall into the abyss of happiness

When and how can I forget

If I've already forgiven

Please let me be proud of

Everything amazing I've done

Please let me be able to share

All I've done without feeling

Ashamed or of people's jealousy

I just want to let go

Please help me let go

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