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Being born into a Muslim family I knew my path towards islam. I can't say that I know more than basic. And there was always this strange curiosity in every human to know where the peace of mind and heart lies. But the nature of the people in my community says that Being a muslim this question is out of world to question your peace of mind ?
   I grew up and my mind started raising questions and heart every time beats faster on my questions ..? Whenever I decided to ask the people they had answers which couldn't satisfy me and even sometimes they were left unanswered because of the audacity of the questions..?
My hands are trembling right now while writing this and my heart beats faster than usual because somehow I know this chapter will likely make everyone think that my beliefs towards my religion are not strong enough and that is not true.
   I ponder a lot about "Who am I ?" "What am i doing ?" "Is it right ?" The answer lies within yourself but till when will I satisfy myself with the unsatisfactory answers that couldn't calm my heart down.
  That's why I decided to look upon my religion by myself without following the people and those who claim to be the masters of my religion. Searching Allah by yourself is more peaceful than seeing HIM by the eyes of others. My image of religion became more clearer than it could ever be. Somehow I know that My Lord would never speak words so hard that the follower of HIS couldn't understand HIS words. I know that Somehow i want to reach to that underlying truth of myself where I find the undeniable reality of Allah.
   I am undeniably a Muslim but not the one created by the society and their beliefs , not the one who follow anyone blindly and definitely not the one who see the sky from the eyes of the beholder but the one who knows that searching my Path to religion is more easy and more peaceful than walking to the path of strangers. I belief in the oneness of Him Alone.
    Even if you follow other religions as well don't be blind enough to follow it because you're  born in that religion , follow it because you belief in that. I respect every person who follow any religion which he choose himself and I respect everyone who know their path and who have already been on the path of righteousness and till then I don't care to which religion you belong Because I know that the Creature of this World is not that much small hearted person that He will not give you the rewards of your righteousness and goodness because you're not the Muslim. He is the creator of everything and everyone. We are all His persons and indeed Allah will reward you for your goodness and indeed He shall be the only one who can and will be the one to Judge.
      Searching on islam for years and coming to this point That HE is the most powerful and indeed He knows what is the secrets in the hearts of His people. And I accept everything and anyone because Allah has forbidden you to judge any person. But have you question those who claim that the people of this and that religion are going to hell and the others to heaven and Have you seen them abusing other religions and throw criticism to the people of other religion. I Being a Muslim pity those that how vulnerable are these that instead of Respecting our religion and respecting the words of Allah about giving respect to everyone That how that it doesn't matter that whoever he is and however he is But still he deserves and demand respect because we can never be the one who can judge others.

I am sorry if I have hurt the feelings of any person.


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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 03, 2018 ⏰

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