Roni's hidden talent

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*the next week 10:00am*

~Aaron and Roni texting~

Roni: are you ready?

Aaron: for what?

Roni: seriously?!

Aaron: just kidding yeah I'm coming to pick you up

Roni: okay I'll be waiting

~end of texting~

Aaron gets there so Roni grabs her stuff and they start leaving. Roni sleeps half the whole time so they dont talk much until:

 Bee-do! Bee-do! Aaron stops the car and a cop comes up to his window

"Good morning officer"

"Dont try sweet talk me"

"Is there a problem?"

"No, I just need to see a license"

Aaron shows him a licence.

"And I need to see a license from her"

They both look at Roni sleeping.

"I don't think it's a good idea to wake her up"

"ok, but do you know her age?"

"Yep she's 21"

"I'm sorry but she's below the age limit"

"What? Age limit?!"

Roni wakes up in shock and says: age limit?!

"Aaron you are aware that there is a police officer at the window right?"

I know Aaron says. What did you do? Are you getting arrested? Roni asks concerned. Roni I'm not getting arrested Aaron says laughing. We're discussing the issue of you not being old enough to go any deeper into Vegas says the cop.

"Not old enough?!"

"Ma'am please don't raise your voice"

"No one tells me what and what not to do"


"And don't call me ma'am sir!"

Then roni started talking: Listen here cop!, ¡Hemos estado an este camino de auto sin interrupciones de baño! ¡Han pasado dos horas desde que tube café  me duele el estómago y mi delineador se ve terrible! ¡¿Perra De verdad quieres decirme que no puedo ir!?

Roni is so mad. Aaron and the police look at each other shocked. You heard her Aaron says.

Cops POV

At that point I didn't really know what to do so I just said the first word that came to mind.

*end of pov*

Cop: Yes?

Roni unlocks her door.

Cop: actually I think we can make an exception have a nice day bye! 

Then he walks away and Roni is shocked.

Why are you so surprised? Aaron asks. Because... I think I've been hanging out with lele to much Roni answers. I think so too Aaron says back. 

"Did you even know what you were saying?"

"Aaron. Would I say it if I didn't know what it meant?"

"Your right. Oh I think I see the hotel ahead."

 Authors Note 

What Roni actually said was:  listen here cop! We've been in this car for a long time with no bathroom breaks, it's been two hours and I haven't had coffee my stomach hurts and my eyeliner is terrible! Bitch Do you really wanna tell me I can't go?!

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