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Roni's drowning...

*flash back*

Aaron is about to leave but Roni stops him. Then all of a sudden *SPLASH* Aaron pushed roni in the deep end of the pool. Roni struggles to get back 

Aaron's POV 

What have I done?

*end of pov*

He jumps in the pool to get Roni out and right at that second Caleb walks in. And here's their conversation:

Caleb: what happend?!?!

Aaron: just shut up and call the ambulance piece of shit!!!

Caleb: I don't have my phone on me!

Aaron: do you know CPR?!?!

Caleb: yeah!

He gets down on his knees and is about to put his mouth on Roni's but then

Aaron: whoa whoa whoa there! Not that kind of CPR!

Caleb: whatever I'm gonna go use the hotel phone!

*end of conversation*

And so where is Roni? You might ask, well you see...SHE'S IN THE HOSTPITAL!    With an oxygen mask and a bunch of wires hooked up to her.

I still don't understand why she needs all off this Aaron tells the doctor. Well not only did she almost drown but...her appendix bursted and she NEEDS argent care or she might you know the doctor says. He calls in some other doctors FAST and Aaron has to leave the room. Aaron and Caleb wait outside of  the room and it gets pretty awkward.

So are you gonna tell me what happend to her? Caleb asks. So are you gonna tell me who you are? Aaron asks. 

"Oh I'm Caleb and you are?"

"Not trying to socialize"

"Okay fine by me" 

~another awkward silence~

"Look I'm sorry I slept with your girlfriend"

*sigh* "shes not my Girlfriend"

"Oh so she's single?"

"Not exactly...just shut up"

Aaron gets out his phone and takes a deep breathe. He texts Nessa saying: don't freak out sister's in the hostpital. Then he quickly gets a call. And it's of course its Nessa. Caleb listens to their conversation:

Nessa: WHAT?!

Aaron: Nessa calm down


Aaron: I just called to let you know we might be back late

Nessa: Aaron I swear-

Aaron: byeeee

Nessa:  I'm not-

*end of call*

So her name isn't Vanessa? Caleb asks. What? Aaron says confused. What's the name of the girl in there? Caleb asks. Veronica Aaron says.

"Oh that makes more sense"

*time skip* 3:00*

She's gonna need extra help but She'll  be fine the doctor says. What do you mean by extra help? Aaron asks. It means she's gonna be here longer than expected the doctor says.

"Can I go see her?"

"Can WE go see her?" Caleb interrupts 

"Go ahead but she's sleeping"

They both walk inside so Roni opens her eyes. Caleb sits down in a chair next to the bed. Seriously? Aaron asks. Seriously Caleb says. Zac Efron? Roni asks. 

"No, it's Aaron"

"Oh you" 

And me Caleb says. Roni looks at him And she's speechless because she's blinded by how cute he is. Well enough of that Aaron interrupts.

"Do you feel ok?"

"Not at all" *Ow! "My stomach hurts like really bad"

The doctor walks in. Ok results are back and it looks like you need to be here for 2 days he says. Will she be ok after then? Caleb asks. Yep the doctor says.  Sounds great Aaron says. The doctor walks over to Roni and draws some blood then walks out. Then he calls over Aaron. Well i have some news the doctor says.

Besties ONLY ~Ronron~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon