Oh no

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So they start watching the movie and in the middle of the movie they both fall asleep on Roni's bed.

*the next morning*

Aaron's POV 

What a beautiful morning! Why is there food from postmates on my table? Oh yeah! For Roni. Whatever it's cold anyways. I'll get ready then we'll go get coffee. Sounds like a plan!

*meanwhile in Roni's room*

~knock knock knock~ room service! A worker repeats outside of her room. Ugh! Not now! Roni yells. Room service! The worker says again. There's a sign on the door come again later thank you! Roni yells once more. "Room service!" Finally Roni gets up opens the door puts the "DO NOT DISTURB" sign on the door then locks the door and lays back down.

Aaron's POV 

Finally done!

*end of pov*

Aaron goes to Roni's room and knocks on the door. Go AWAY for petesake!  Roni says loudly then goes back to sleep. Oh Roni Aaron says to himself he takes out the key to her room and opens the door.

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