Chapter one - Another world?

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One boring Saturday morning, early in the morning, I was walking my dog (Y/D), doing the same old routine I always do. I walked to the same boring location I always walk my dog to. While walking I unexpectedly bumped into my best friend Tina, the friend I've been friends with ever since kindergarten. The friend I never thought I'd see, walking in this path.

"Excu-" she stopped as she recognizes my face. "Oh (Y/N)! Uh, Have you seen the messages I kept sending you last night?" She asked even though it wasn't that important. Just a bunch of messages she sent me about an upcoming video game. Why would she start a conversation like that?

"No." I replied casually. I continued walking as she followed on.

"No? You should've seen the video I've sent you. It was about the new Mario game, coming on the Switch. The game has more fetures like, Toadette, and the new powerup she can use." she kept blabbing about the video she sent me.

"I knew about the new Mario game anyways. That's why I didn't reply. I had more important things to do anyways." We both walked on the footpath blabbling about the usual things we talk about.

"Like sleeping and eating? Those are the 'important' things your talking about." She put her two fingers up and did the speech sign when she said the word 'important'. I nodded at her response and laughed.

"How's Sparkle?" I changed the subject, thinking about Tina's dog.

"Apperantly, Sparkle is at the vet. He got an ear infection on his right ear so now he is half deaf.." Tina answered, lowering the tone of her voice.

"Oof, I'm sure he'll get better soon." I wondered why I said 'oof'. Memes are taking over my brain.

"Wanna go to my house? I bet you five dollars you won't beat me in Mario kart! Or, I dunno.. You know what? Save the bets for later, I'm broke. Did you bring your 3ds outside again?" She spotted my nintendo in my back pants pocket.

"I brought it outside for play coins but since you brought up the idea of me going to your house, how about a game of Super mario bros. 2 together?" I said, taking out my 3ds from my pockets, checking how much steps and play coins I have.

"Sure." She said, running towards her house already. I closed my 3ds and held the dog leash firmly. Both (Y/D) and I ran towards Tina's house. About ten minutes of tiring running steps later, I thought I made it first at her house but Tina was way ahead.

"You thought you won the race.. Heh. Come in." She grabbed my hand and led me to her living room. She never didn't even say it was a race in the first place..

Already excited Tina placed (Y/D) on Sparkle's bed. I sat on the sofa, took out my 3ds and started playing Super mario bros 2. Luckily me and Tina were both on our Summer holidays so we can spend more time with eachother.

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