Robin Skinner |3|

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After school you call your mom from the schools office and she said that you could hang out with Robin after school. You were very excited. It was always fun hanging out with him. You meet him in the front of the school. 
"So what's uppp!" He screamed because he was outside, and why not.  "Nothing just walking to the park with you lol."  You said.  He awkwardly stares into your eyes.  He starts to say, "do you-". He stopped and started to hold your hand and smile.  You were comfortable around him. You could be yourself because you were both weird people.
"RACE YOU!" You yelled. You started running. Robin didn't know what you said but then he realized what you said and started running behind you. "NO FAIR! you got a head start!" He complained. It was cute because he was sort of joking. You guys finally got to the park. You both swung on the swings. You went to the corner store to get some snacks.  You shared a bag of chips, and then started to walk home.  Robin was such a gentleman and decided he was going to walk you home.  You got to your house and you both hugged goodbye. 
Later in the evening you were eating dinner when the house phone rang.  Your mother answer it. 
"Y/N it's Robin." Your younger sibling snickers "is he your booooyyyy frieeenddd!?"
You walk away ignoring them.
"Hey Robin. What's up?"  You asked "umm hey, can I spend the night over at your house.  Don't ask why."  He said.  "I will ask."  You said.  You didn't know what was wrong so you just told your mom it was a family issue.  "well I suppose he can."  Said mom.  You go back to the call with Robin and you tell him.  He said he would ride his bicycle over.

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