Robin Skinner |6|

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"So... what do you want to do today Y/N?" Robin asked. "I don't know? Maybe we could go out, shopping or something? What sounds good to you?" You questioned. "Idk shopping involves money, but so does a lot of things..." he said. You both are so indecisive and can't choose anything at all to do.  You hang around the house for a bit and then you get and idea.  You are both competitive people so am arcade would be nice challenge for each other.   "Hey mom can we go to an arcade in town?" You ask your mom. "Well sure... it beats doing nothing and stuck in the house." She said. You and Robin get ready to go to the arcade. You, Robin and your mother ride to town to the arcade. The first game you play is donkey Kong. You get 60,789 and Robin gets 100,200. Robin was better at that. Pac-Man you got 7000 and Robin got 112,000.  You only had played two games, but you were tired of losing.  You decided to get a snack.  Some fries sounded nice in the moment.  You get some cash from your mom, and Robin is too shy to order so you talk and he cutely and awkwardly stood next to you.  Once you order and got the fries you sat down at a booth.  You and Robin fed each other fries some with ketchup some plain.  Robin suddenly dips a fry and ketchup and
boops your nose with it.  "What was that for!" You said wiping off ketchup from your nose.  Robin just giggled.  You take some French fries and put them in his curly hair.  Your mom walks by.  "Robin?  I like your new hair doo."  She said giggling.  She walked away.  "You looked good with ketchup on your nose.  Rudolf is my favorite reindeer."  He said.  Omg he just compared you to a reindeer.  Oh well.  It's his favorite reindeer. 

 | Robin Skinner Fanfic | done Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora