Ocean breezes

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Hello :) lean back and enjoy!

You're walking across the beach, the sand a light cream color with speckles of white from the light hitting it, and some small hills through all of it. The sunlight not only hitting the sand, but also the water making it shimmer and shine, a slight breeze has been softly coming and going making you feel refreshed. The water bright blue and clear, slowly crashing against the edge, making small gently noises and small amounts of foam that go with the wave when t recedes, the sand underneath becoming dark brown and wet. You continue walking and to your left see palm trees, about 25 feet high! Their light tan trunks with about 7 segments reaching high up and the leaves a bright and happy green, being a perfect blend with the cloud free periwinkle sky. You kick of your sandals and walk over to the edge of the water as the sun beating down as warm and making sweat drip from your brow as the soft breeze ebbed away. You wipe it and feel the waves crash against your feet which makes you eager to jump in for more. As your soul and mind feel at peace.

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