Truest of Loves

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Who is your truest of loves? How will you know? When will you know? What if you miss your chance?
What if you love them and they don't love you?

Who? You won't know until your feel it.

How? Trust me, when you feel it? You won't need to ask.

When? As soon as you meet them you'll know

What if? If they mean that much to you, you'll go out of your way to do anything for them. Even taking huge gambles and risks to be with them

What if they don't love you back...? Then you will end up feeling rejected, you will be hurt and it will take time but you have to get up,

The truest of loves will be the one person that is, your best friend, your side kick, the biggest weirdo, the most beautiful, the most amazing, the sexiest,
The most relatable, the closest to you. And? You'll be able to tell them everything. Anything, they want you'll do to make them happy: you'll do anything you can to make sure they're okay, even be willing to die for them, you'll go out of your way to do anything to be with them, even take chances that may not pay off just to try. And eventually? You hope to be married to this person.

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