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You go around town rushing, whether it's to get that last bit of food you forgot. Or you're making your way to a friends and/or family's house for dinner.
The air has a slight chill in it, what makes it feel even moreso cold is the new dampness that comes alluding to the fact that winter is coming. The leaves bright colors are faded and are starting to become nonexistent, falling to the ground swirling and falling as the do as if dancing to say goodbye.
The family is all here, or maybe your friends are all here.
It's a soft glowing light in the dining room, the light on in the kitchen where all the smells were coming from before the food was brought it. You all sit around the table the sun nearly set because of how short the days are getting. You say a small prayer and say one thing each about what you're thankful for, some of us wearing holiday sweaters, others just wearing a t-shirt, but that isn't so much relevant as we all are here to enjoy time with each other and the food that is before us.
The creamy mashed potatoes, the corn, the glistening turkey, warm, hot and juicy! The eggnog, the pumpkin pie, the stuffing, the rolls! And whatever else you are in. And when you are done? You have just one more bite before laying back and relaxing with more family time your tummy full and your spirits high.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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