Chapter 12

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Jack bended the ground that Cry was passed out on in the air to carry him to where Gisela was taking them. He personally trusted her. He didn't know why but he had a good feeling about the Enchantress. Maybe it was that she labeled herself as a Divine, and he trusts all Divines. Or maybe it was that she wanted to help Cry so quickly, like she was a mother figure to all she sees.

Gisela lead the group through the dark forest with her small yellow lit lantern that didn't light up the way very well. Tyler thought of this as an annoyance to him and to maybe Gisela too. He bended fire from his fist that lit up the path beyond them brighter than the small lantern the elderly woman was holding. Gisela's eyes widened and turned to the muscular, stone faced fire bender. She smiles at him like a mother would to her child.

"You are so kind, so caring of others." She begins. "I thank you dearly. However, this forest does not like light. It wants to stay dark and dimly lit." She explains. Tyler looked at the woman confused and like she was crazy. The others looking at each other in confusion. Gisela knows this but does not say more. She then holds Tyler's wrist with the burning flames from his powers. The flames do not seem to affect her which causes the others and Tyler to look completely shocked. As her wrinkled hand touched Tyler's tan skin, the flames dispersed as if they were not even there. Tyler gasped and flung his arm away from the enchantresses touch in shock.

"What the hell did you do to me?!" Tyler shouted at the elderly woman in pure fear. The others taken back at his reaction and what Gisela did. "My child, I didn't do anything but make you put out your flames." She said calmly. Tyler's blue eyes stared at her with fear. Gisela turned her heal and started walking off. "Come along gentlemen, my home is just beyond these trees." Gisela said walking away from the stunned men. The others lingered where they were and eventually followed the enchantress. Tyler now in the back of the pack, staring at his arm. Ethan next to him consoling him. Jack in charge of Cry's 'bed' and Mark in front of him leading the others.

When Gisela and the benders arrived at Gisela's home, they were amazed. A funky looking yet magnificent tree house. The house was small, and high up in a huge tree. Old wooden stairs that didn't look very sturdy climbed up to the front porch of her house. The house had windows lit up creating a small light aura around the house. Vines, moss, and other plant life surrounded the chestnut oak wood frame of the house. As the men tiredly got to her front door, Gisela unlocked her door with the flick of her index finger that made a bright magical key. The men were fascinated by her magic. As they entered, Gisela put her small lantern on a small side table near the door and went strait to what looked like her kitchen. The house smelled of spices, some sort of potage, and an earthy tone. It was a unique home that would suit for one elderly woman like Gisela.

"Get comfy boys!" Gisela yelled from her kitchen. "I have made mushroom soup with raspberry bread for dinner. Then we can talk about what you will encounter and why you are actually here." Gisela said entering the dining room with five porcelain bowls and silver utensils. "Jack, put Cry on the couch so he can rest." Gisela commanded. Jack nodded and with the help of Mark, carried Cry off the rock bed Jack bended and put him gently on the coach.

The smell of soup and warm bread filled the hungry and tired men's noses and headed to the dining table. Gisela pouring water into the glasses in front of the gentlemen. They begin to eat after their 'Thank You' to Gisela for her hospitality.

After they are done, Jack and Ethan volunteer to help with the dishes as Mark and Tyler chat with Gisela about her past and their mission. Turns out, Gisela was originally from the Divine Kingdom then left when her adopted mother and father both passed away. At the age of 50, she found out that she was a Enchanted Divine, which meant that she can live ten times longer than a normal Divine or human. She came across a dying forest that was withered by war and greed by past districts. She used her Enchanted powers where she found her power of light and life. She brought the forest back to life and health and destined to protect it ever since.

Once Jack and Ethan were done, they joined Gisela, Mark, and Tyler. "Gisela? May I ask how you could put out my flames from earlier?" Tyler asked politely. Gisela gave him a warm smile. "I am not effected by the four elements. I am one of the decedents of Mother Nature herself. I am only affected by darkness, sickness, and death. That is why I engineered King Felix's enchanted map that he has of this realm that I generously enchanted for him to show the darkness plague that has been threatening this forest for over a year now. However, I only did that to get his attention, so he could send you gentlemen to me." She said with pride of her plan. The men all looked shocked and confused. Gisela laughed at the men's reactions.

"Let me explain.."

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