Chapter 37

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The following morning seemed so peaceful in the Divine Kingdom. Villagers waking up early to help with the city's ruble and housing homeless town folk. The sun crept over the giant mountains in the distance creating a warm pink and yellow sky.

For our heroes, Jack slept comfortably in the queen-sized bed. He was laying on his stomach with the comforter covering over his lower half with his white and bruised back exposed. His brown hair was everywhere on his head and arms wrapping around two fluffy pillows. He was sleeping peacefully and soundly from the night before.

Mark was on the balcony of his room with his black pants and fire district robes on. His tan chest exposed and his black hair slightly tamed. He was watching the sunrise creep over the mountains slowly and the sky turns amazing colors. He thought about the night him and Jack had. He could still feel his touch on him which sent shivers down his spine. He knew he loved Jack, but last night felt like they both declared their love for each other in an entirely new way. He felt connected to Jack.

Jack stirred in his sleep which caused Mark to look back at the sleepy Earth bender. Mark chuckled and walked over to the sleeping prince. Jack's hair was covering his eyes and his face seemed relaxed. Mark then got an idea. Mark started rubbing Jacks arm soothingly. This cause Jack to stir awake. The soothing motions that Mark was making were almost causing the Earth bender to fall back asleep. Mark then ran his hands down Jack's back causing Jack to giggle.

"So, you are awake," Mark whispered into Jacks' ear. Jack could hear Marks cocky smile on his face. "What were you dreaming about angel?" Mark asked, still giving Jack a back massage. "I was dreaming about last night," Jack admitted, almost moaning from the sensation from Mark. Mark smiled and stopped his actions. "Jack, come see the sunrise, it's beautiful," Mark said bringing Jack up from the bed and wrapping his arms around the smaller male in an embrace. Jack only hummed and followed Mark out onto the balcony.

As the two stepped outsides, the sun was already over the mountains making the sky a light yellow with the clouds a pink color. Mark still had his arm on Jacks lower back admiring the sky. "You're right," Jack started to say. "This is beautiful... Just like you." Jack finished. Mark looked over in Jack's warm blue eyes with a warm smile. Mark then took both of his hands to cradle Jacks' cheeks. He looked at Jacks' lips then back to his eyes with a serious face.

"I love you, Jack," Mark said pulling Jack closer. The two then shared a tender and passionate kiss. It was the perfect moment. The sun shining behind then with the two men sharing their love.


"William! Good to see you again good man!" Ethan shouted across the docks, waving to the elder dock's keeper. "Very good to see you too Master Ethan!" William waved back, tying up the young leaders' boat back to their districts. Ethan skipped to William and hugged him in a greeting fashion. William and Ethan parted and chatted about the recent events and the upcoming future for both men. Tyler and Thomas were behind the two men getting boxes and supplies onto the ship for the journey back to their homes.

"Need some help fellas'?" Cry said with a cocky smile. Tyler and Thomas laughed and dropped the box onto the deck of the ship. Cry, Thomas, and Tyler finished carrying all the supplies needed for the journey and started to say their goodbyes to the villagers in the Kingdom.

"Well... Look who decided to wake up this morning." Tyler said, mocking Jack and Mark who ran down to the docks. The two bent down to catch some much-needed air from running all the way to the docks. "We slept in, sorry gentlemen." Mark panted. Tyler and Thomas looked at each other, both knowing what Mark and Jack did last night and this morning with unbelieving expressions. "What?" Mark asked looking at his best friend and his older brother. The two both gave Mark a cocky smile and laughed it off.

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