Part 5

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You had been picked up by James' chauffeur to go to the airport on Sunday and you and James were going through security. You were surprised by James' impeccable fashion sense. You knew that man has some nice suits, but that was all you had seen him in. He was wearing black skinny jeans, boots, and a grey t-shirt with a leather jacket and a baseball cap. You looked like you purposely coordinated, because you were wearing black leggings, silver nikes and a gray fitted t-shirt. You made it through security and the two of you were sitting in your terminal. "Thanks for coming with me (y/n)! Is this gonna be your first time visiting Beijing?" He asked excitedly. "Thanks for inviting me! Yeah I've never been to China at all!" You responded. You were nervous, but excited and the conversation was helping. "Are you nervous?" He asked concerned. "Yeah, I don't love flying. I always get anxiety." You said shyly. "Don't worry about it. I'll be with you the whole time!" He said in a comforting tone and grabbed your hand and gave it a squeeze. You smiled at him graciously. An older lady sat down across from the two of you and smiled at you both. "You guys are the cutest couple I've ever seen!" She said in a kind tone. "Oh... No we're not a.. A couple" he said in a nervous tone. "Yeah, he's my boss. We're going on a business trip." You explained. "Oh I'm sorry, i just saw you two holding hands and I figured... But y'all would make a cute couple of you were one!" She said kind but teasingly. It was time to board and you got onto the plane and found your seats. James had bought your ticket for you, and he choose two seats in first class. You sat down and got settled and the plane took off not too long after that. James never let go of your hand the whole time and squeezed it when takeoff started. When the flight attendant came around to see what you would be drinking he ordered apple juice and you thought it was kinda cute seeing a full grown man order Apple juice. You just asked for water. He looked over at you confused and said "you didn't order a drink to help calm your nerves?". "Oh, no. Not really a huge drinker. But what about you?" You inquired.
"Oh I don't drink." He answered bluntly. After a few hours of flying and dinner everyone started going to sleep and you were exhausted so you slipped your shoes off and curled up in your seat. James pulled his headphones out and shut off the screen. He lifted the handle in between you up and pulled out a blanket that he then spread over the two of you. You scooted closer and he then did something that surprised you and gave you chills. He put his arm around you and pulled you close. The two of you fell asleep like that and slept a few hours. For a little while it felt like he was more of a friend and less of a boss, which you had no problem with at all.

Office AU Bucky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now