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J i n y o u n g ' s P o v

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J i n y o u n g ' s P o v


What else do I say? I considered making up a story about having someone else to be, but that would make my lie to obvious. I could even just turn him down politely, but the last thing I wanted to do was to be a jerk and make him upset about his condition. So in order to keep a good image, I decided to stay.

Besides, I could scratch my butt without him noticing.

Daehwi seemed to notice my hesitation, for he spoke up quietly, "You don't have to stay you know, if you aren't interested you can always leave first..."

"Oh no! Of course I won't leave, I think that Daehwi-ah is a very interesting person to meet," I said hastily, mentally cringing at myself for my overly cheerful tone. In addition, him almost catching me out made me feel embarrassed.

"So what do you want to order?"

"I don't know," he said. "I don't eat out often. Rarely, actually."

"Why not?"

"It's difficult to get around without having someone to company me. Usually I just order takeout and get the delivery man to leave my food outside the door for me to collect on my own."

"Why not just ask your friends to come with you?" I asked, feeling slightly confused.

"I don't have many friends. Woojin hyung is one of the few I have, and they are all busy with their own lives anyway." His mouth formed a sad smile, and I could hear loneliness in his voice, and my heart instantly swelled in sympathy for him. From what he had said, I could guess that being unable to see makes it difficult for him to socialise. Suddenly, something in me stirred and I wanted to help him.

"So when was the last time you ate out?"

He seemed surprise at my question. "Probably about six months ago?"

Daehwi had been living on takeout for about half a year. I almost wanted to cry out loud. How could anyone survive like that?

I called the waitress and ordered the two servings of steak as well as some iced tea. Daehwi cried out in surprise, and I merely hushed him and told him not to worry. While waiting for the food to arrive, we made small talk. He told me that he was a year younger than me, and had been in a car accident at twenty four, which was what caused his vision loss.

After his accident, his then girlfriend had dumped him. Having a blind boyfriend was clearly too much for her to handle, so she left. I was shocked at what he told me, and seeing that he had tears in his eyes, I reassured him and he deserved so much more. It seemed to work, for he smiled when I told him that.

When the food finally arrived, I couldn't help but watch in amusement as Daehwi ate as if it was his first time eating beef. At certain times, I helped to feed him, and whenever I did his cheeks would turn a light shade of pink. Cute, I thought.

Within fifteen minutes our plates were scraped clean and we were almost done with our drinks as well. Daehwi had a huge smile plastered on his face and I smiled too in satisfaction. When the bill was placed on our table, I immediately offered to pay for it, despite his protests.

"No, my treat," I insisted, smacking his hand away gently as he fumbled around in search of the bill. I swore I saw the waitress roll her eyes but I couldn't really blame her as it was quite a cliche thing to do.

"Thank you, Jinyoungie," he thanked me shyly, his head bent low as he played with his fingers. I bit my lip, for some reason his cute antics were making me tempted to kiss him. Maybe I will, just not yet.

"Are you free after this?" I asked once we have left the restaurant. He had a blind stick that he used to navigate his way around, and he put on a pair of sunglasses to hide his eyes, which was a pity because they were such a pretty colour even though they didn't blink.

"Uh...yes? I don't have any plans," he said.

I reached and grabbed his free hand, and he froze under my grip. I quickly intertwined our fingers, and he let out a small gasp. I guessed that he hadn't experienced intimate touch in a while.

"I'm free as well, so care to join me for a walk along the beach?"


I love Jinhwi so please don't die my ship *cries*

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