Chapter 1 "Family Life":

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Gabe's POV:
I woke up in the morning to see Clementine was still sleeping. So I decided to get up and make breakfast for everyone. So I quietly got out of bed so that my beautiful wife didn't wake up as I went to the kitchen to make everyone breakfast. As I passed by Mari's room, I heard her begin to squirm in her crib and make her cute little snores like her mommy as I stopped and went into check on her. She is now 1-month old now and she really has grown into her features. And she really does look kind of like me with her facial features and hair color. I walked up to her crib and leaned on it so that I could see my little princess starting to wake up. She opened her eyes and gave a little smile while she stretched her little baby body. "Morning, my little princess." I said as Mari then began to whimper as she was about to cry from being startled. "Oh no no no no! Daddy didn't mean to scare you. My little baby. Shhh shhh shhh shhh." I said as I picked her up and started rocking her in my arms as that caused her to stop whimpering and start smiling at me again. "Wanna help daddy make breakfast?" I joked as I held out my finger to her as she grabbed it and giggled. I'll take that as a yes." I cooed as I then took her into the kitchen, put her in her high chair and began to make breakfast for my family.
Clem's POV:
I woke up and went to place my arm around Gabe only to feel the bedsheets next to me. My eyes were fully woken now as I saw that my amazing husband wasn't next to me. I then smelt an amazing smell coming from the kitchen as I got out of bed, put on a pink robe and went to the kitchen. I came out to the kitchen and saw Gabe making breakfast while Mari was in her highchair babbling and giggling. "Oh good morning, my beautiful queen." Gabe said as I began to blush. I still don't know how he still gets me to blush despite the fact that we are married. "Good morning, my handsome and dorky king." I replied as we both giggled a little. "And good morning, mommy's little sweetpea." I said as I gave Mari a little kiss on the cheek. Mari then held out her arms for me to pick her up as I did just that and held her up to my shoulder. "Aww man. No kiss for me?" Gabe said with fake sorrow as I just rolled my eyes and walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek as well.
"So what are you making?" I asked as I set Mari back in her highchair. "Well Kate and Kenny found us some bacon and eggs on their last supply run so I thought maybe I'd treat my wife and son a special breakfast instead of just a granola bar." Gabe answered as I felt honored by how caring he can be. "Awww! Thanks, babe. You're the best husband ever." I said hugging him from behind. "And you are the best wife ever." He said back as we shared a passionate kiss. Our kiss was interrupted by Mari beginning to cry. "Oh sweetpea. You're probably hungry, aren't you?" I asked as I then got out the baby formula and began to fix Mari her bottle. I then took her out of her highchair once again and sat down on the couch so I could feed it to her. She then took the bottle out of my hands and began to drink I herself. It was then that AJ woke up as well. "Good morning, buddy." Gabe said as AJ rubbed his eyes. "Morning dad. Morning mom. And you too Mari." He said as he sat down right at the kitchen table.
Gabe then finished breakfast as he sat down next to me and Mari were and snuggled the two of us. "I love you guys so much." He said as AJ sat next to us as well. "We love you too." I said as I gave him a quick kiss on the lips as Gabe kissed back. "Do you two have to kiss all the time?" AJ asked. "What? It's not my fault your mom is the most beautiful woman alive and the only woman in this world that I will ever love with all my heart." He said as I felt honored by his words. "And I can't help it that your father is the sweetest, handsomest, and by far the most amazing man I've ever known." I responded. "Yeah yeah ok." AJ said giggling. Mari then stopped drinking from her bottle and just snuggled up with me. I held her to my shoulder and began to burp our child. Mari then let it a cute little baby burp. "Aww. She burps like her father." I said. That's a weird think to focus on." Gabe told me as I just shrugged and began to bounce Mari on my knee. "Well we should go get dressed. Kate wants us to help her plant a few crops in the greenhouse. Kenny offered to babysit." Gabe said. "Yeah your right." I said as I stopped bouncing Mari and held her in my hands. "Is that right, sweetie? You want to hang out with Grandpa Kenny?" I cooed as Mari giggled. I then put Mari back in her crib as Gabe and I got dressed and headed out to help out Kate with the greenhouse. It was really nice to spend some time with my family before the day started. They are the only thing that keeps me happy and feeling loved.

And is there it is, the first chapter to the official Reunited sequel. Thanks to Kate4455 for submitting her title, "Love Lasts Forever". Go check out her stories. They are really good. If you guys have any ideas for what should be included in this story, Whether it be new characters, new plot lines, situations, etc., Please let me know in the comments below. Thank you guys so much and with that said, welcome everyone to season two of Reunited: A Gabentine Story.

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