Chapter 4 "Raided":

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Clem's POV:
We woke up to the sound of an explosion coming from outside which was followed by another sound of our baby girl crying. "What the fuck was that?!?!" Gabe asked as we got out of bed and looked out the window. There we saw fire coming from the main gates of Alexandria as men in masks began to come through and open fire on everyone. "Oh my god!!" I said as I was scared at what I was seeing. It was at that moment that Kate busted our room door and said, "Guys, we new to g... Oh my!" She said covering her eyes as she had just realized we were still in our underwear. "We need to go, now!!" She finished as I wrapped my body with a blanket to cover up my bare boobs. "Yeah we kind of figured as much after the explosion." I said back. "Well just pack what you need to pack because we are out of here in ten minutes." Kate said leaving the room in a panic. Gabe and I then got dressed and began to pack everything important up so we could escape.
I packed food, supplies, medicine, Gabe and I's wedding photo, my hat, guns, knifes, ammo, clothes for all of us, Mari's pacifiers, her blanket, diapers, baby formula, and a bunch of other shit. I stuffed it all into a duffel bag and handed it to Gabe. "Gabe you get Mari and I'll get AJ." I said as Gabe nodded and ran to Mari's room to go get her. As I was about to get AJ from his room, I saw him running towards me looking scared. "Clem, what's going on?!" He asked sounding terrified. "We need to go AJ. People are breaking in and killing people. So we need to leave before they kill us." I explained to him honestly. "But why don't we just fight back? You guys have done it before with the Saviors and The New Frontier. So why not now?" AJ asked. "Because we are not gonna fight with you and your sister's lives on the line. We need to protect you two at all cost no matter what happens. We need to make sure you kids are safe." I told AJ as I could tell he understood. "Ok." He said as I smiled and ruffled his hair. "Get what you need goofball. We are out of here in five." I said as AJ nodded and went back into his room to pack up all of his things.
Gabe's POV:
I ran as fast as I could to get to Mari's room as I found her squirming in her crib and crying like crazy. I took her out and put her head on my shoulder while rubbing her back. "Shhh Shhh Shhh. It's ok princess. Dada's here." I cooed as it didn't stop her from crying. "I know you're scared, sweetie. It's ok." I cooed as she continued crying. I then look down at her crib and saw her favorite stuffed pink elephant as I grabbed it and put in my jacket pocket. I then grabbed a bottle for Mari in case we didn't have any and left the room as fast as I can in there. I then ran over to Clem who was carrying a duffel bag and said, "Ok do we got everything?" "Yes. Now let's get the fuck out of here." She said as AJ came out of his room. I just nodded as the three of us then proceeded to leave the house as fast as possible while Mari was still crying in my shoulder.
I ran up to Clem who had just finished her packing as AJ ran to her as well. "Do we have everything?" I asked Clem as she nodded and replied. "Yes, now we need to fucking leave NOW!!" I nodded back as we all Ten bolted for the front door as I used the shoulder that didn't have Mari's head lying on it to break down the door. We then all rushed out of the house as we now got a good look at the mayhem that was occurring outside. Left and right people were getting slaughter by the dozens as it was a fucked up sight to see. "Hey!!!! Come on!!!" We heard Kate yell at us as she motioned for us to come to the truck she was in. Without hesitation, we ran towards the truck where we also saw Marlon, Violet, Kenny, Eleanor, and Judith there as well. We got about halfway there until I heard an extremely loud gunshot and heard AJ scream out in pain. "AJ!!!" Clem and I screamed as we had realized he was shot on the shoulder. "Come on, buddy. We have to keep moving." I said as I put AJ on my back and we continued to bolt towards he car with me now carrying both kids.
Clem's POV:
We got in the van and shut the door behind us. "Hey!!!!" We heard a voice say as we then looked out the window to see Dr. Kirkman running towards the truck. "Wait for me guys!! Wait for m...." He said before we suddenly saw a bullet go into his head, instantly killing him. "Go Go Go!!!!!" Eleanor yelled out as Kate then started up the car and we began to leave Richmond. Mari still continued to cry as I could tell Gabe didn't know what to do. "Hand her to me." I told Gabe as he then gave Mari to me and I began to rock her. "Shhh Shhh Shhh. It's ok sweetpea. It's ok. It's all over." I cooed as Mari still continued to cry. I checked if she was hungry or needed her diaper changed but it didn't turn out to be one of those. I suddenly had a thought in my head. "Oh shit!!! Where's her pink elephant?! Goshdarnit that's what she wants and I left it back at the freaking house!!" I said trying not to swear around my little baby angel. "Oh you mean this." Gabe said pulling her pink elephant out of his pocket. "Oh thanks babe. Your a freaking lifesaver." I said as I took the stuffed animal from him and gave it to Mari as she matched her arms around it and began to stop crying. "There you go, sweetie. There you go." Gabe cooed at our daughter as he put a pacifier in her mouth and she began to suck on it. We then continued driving away as I suddenly had time now to process everything that just happened. For example, like the fact that our home and all of Alexandria was completely gone.

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