Chapter 5 "Homeless":

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Gabe's POV:
It's been a week since we lost Alexandria and we were forced to camp out in the middle of the woods because her car broke down by running out of gas. Even though I know it's not safe out here due to muertos and bandits, we didn't really have much of a choice. We had to set up some tents for any way of shelter. The only thing that matters now is keeping my family safe at all costs. If something ever happened to them I just couldn't live with myself. I've been staying up all night all week without a wink of sleep just thinking about what happened. I'm recognized the bandits before I just can't place it. Or at least I couldn't until I remembered seeing those uniforms. It dawned on me that they were the same fuckers who raided New Richmond. They are responsible for my uncles death so I need to find them and put an end to them once and for all. Even if that means separating myself from my wife, son, and infant daughter. I needed to know where they are and how the best strategy of attack is.
I was carefully studying a map of Virginia as I tried to see where they might be hiding. As I was studying the map, I felt a pair of soft and skinny arms wrapped around my waist and an equally soft body cuddle with my back. I looked behind me for a second to see Clementine snuggling up with me. "Hey babe." She said seductively as I just responded. "Oh hi honey." "Gabe you've been looking at that map for a week and have barely been around us it even acknowledge us. Plus you've barely gotten any sleep. Can you please just come to bed already? It's late." She said putting her head on my back now. "I can't baby. I need to find them." I responded as I could tell she was getting a little irritated. "Why?! Why do you need to find them so badly that you won't even spend time with your wife or children?!" She asked angerly since she didn't know about who they were yet. "All they did was take out her home. It's not that big of a deal. We can just find another one hopefully." She said still sounding upset. "Clem you don't understand. They... They attacked new Richmond almost two years ago." I finally told her as she let go of me and made a surprised face. "Holy shit. Really?!" She said sounding shocked. "Yes Clementine. Javi's death is on them. Not to mention they've also killed the Dr. Kirkman and God knows who else. So that's why I need to find them." I said sound and determined on my goal. "But can't you just take a moment of your time and just spend time with your family? I know you loved your uncle but your children need you. You can't just stay in the shed all day looking at the same map over and over and just pretend we don't exist. What, you don't love us anyMore?!" She barked as I became angry as well. "How could you possibly say that?! I don't spend time with you guys right now because I'm just trying to protect you. That's all I ever tried to do. I'm just taking in information and processing it. I'm doing this because I love you guys. I did just... Want to keep you all alive." I said going from angry to sad.
I could tell my words got to Clem emotionally as she grabbed me by the shoulders, turned me around, and cupped my cheek with her hand. "Gabe you know I love you too. But I just feel like we're drifting apart ever since we left Alexandria. All I want is to spend time with my amazing, handsome, and dorky husband who I love with all of my heart. So please just put down the map for a day or two and just come to bed. We miss you." She said as I hold her cheek with my hand as well. "OK baby. OK I'll come to bed." I said as she smiled, wrapped her arms around me, and passionately kissed me as I kissed back. "OK then well I'll be waiting in bed for you." She said as we separated lips and she went back into our tent where the kids were as well. I quietly sighed, rolled up the map, put it in my bag, and went back to our tent. As I entered Clem and I'd tent, I saw that Clem had already gone back to sleep with AJ next to her and Mari on top of her using her right breast as a pillow. Instead of taking this opportunity to go look for the bandits some more, I decided to keep my word and get some rest too. I lied my body right next to hers as I then saw a smile form on her face as she just opened her eyes a little. I then took Mari off her chest and put her on top of mine as Clem and I then shared yet other kiss. "I love you so much. All of you." I whispered as Clem Gabe me a kiss on the forehead and said, "We love you so much too, Gabriel." We both them closed our eyes and fell asleep.
Gabe's Dream:
I woke up in bed as I was now in a nice and soft bed alone. I rub my eyes as I then hear little footsteps running up towards me. I then see a little girl who was no more that three crawl her way on to the bed and move to where I was. "Daddy! Daddy! Wake up, Daddy!" She said slapping my face over and over trying to wake me up. I then took a good look at the little girl as she had dark brown hair, hazel eyes, white skin, and was also calling me her daddy. It took me a moment to realize that it was Mari. Three years older as she still kinda looked like me but also looked like her mother as well. "Hey little monster!" I said sitting up as she gave me a hug and I hugged back. "Let's go downstairs, ok?" I asked her as she simply responded, "Ok."
I walked downstairs as I saw what must have been an older AJ. I about eight maybe nine as he was sitting at the table eating cereal. "Good morning Dad." He said yawning. "Good morning AJ." I responded as I put Mari in her highchair and looked over towards the stove. There I saw a beautiful woman in her pajamas making breakfast,listening to music, and swaying her hips back and forth. It didn't take me long to realize that it was my Clemmy as I moved closer to her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and nuzzled my face into her cheek. "Morning babe. Did you sleep well?" She asked taking out her earbuds. "Clem, I al aye sleep well when I'm sleeping with you." I replied as I saw her cheeks get red. "Gabriel Garcia! Our kids can hear you." She said. "So what, they'll know about how we love each other and especially make lo...." I started to say until Clem cut me off with, "Ok ok ok ok ok!!! We don't need to have this conversation anymore." We both then giggled as I pulled her in by her waist and we kissed each other passionately. "Oh my god you two please get a room." AJ commented as Clem and I looked at each other and giggled some more.
Clem then went back to making breakfast as I took a look outside the house through the kitchen window only to see that everything was... peaceful. It was how the world was before. Like the muertos have never happened. No muertos, no struggling , and no bandits. It was just me and my familia. Everything was perfect.
(End of Dream)

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