Chapter 3 "Reflecting":

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Clem's POV:
I led Gabe towards a little out of the community as he started to get really curious. "Uh Baby, where are we going?" He asked as I just giggled. "Oh you'll see my dork. You'll see." I said as I gave him a seductive smile. We began to hit the hiking trail I found a week ago as I then let go of his wrist until he then held my hand. "I didn't ask for you to let go, Clem. I always love touching you." He said mimicking my seductive smile as I blushed a little. "Right back at you, dork." I responded as we were now half way there. "How long are we going to be gone exactly?" He then asked as I rolled my eyes without him noticing. "You ask way to many questions, Gabe. Let's just get there and enjoy the moment." I respond as we both smile at each other and kept walking.
We then got there as I felt mischievous and decided to cover Gabe's eyes. "Clem, what are you doing?" He asked sounding a little startled. "Just making sure you don't peek." I reply. We then got up to the place as I removed my hands from in front of his eyes as he then stared at the sight in awe. It was a beautiful waterfall with a little land of grass for us to sit down and enjoy the view. "Wow Clem. Just... just wow." He said as he kept on staring at the falls. "Beautiful, huh?" I asked. "Yeah, but not as beautiful as you, my love." He said now looking at me and holding both of my hands in his. "Well aren't you just a fucking romantic." I replied as I leaned in for a kiss as he did the same. Our lips touched as it started as a simple kiss until it got really passionate and we fell onto the grass and engaged in a full blown male out session. The longer and longer it went in the more and more passionate it became. God I fucking love this dork.
After a solid twenty minutes of making out. We stopped and just sat in the grass holding hands and enjoying the view some more. "I don't think I've ever told you this Clem, but you are an amazing wife." Gabe said as I rolled my eyes and blushed again. "Gabe you literally told me that every day. And I tell you that you're an amazing husband every day as well." I said back as he scooted closer to me. "Well it's true. I thank my lucky stars everyday for us meeting and falling in love." He said as his body was leaning up against mine as I did the same. "I completely agree. I'm so glad I knocked over the tree to stop the truck with Javi in it so that I can meet you. The love of my life. My amazing and handsome husband. And my baby's daddy." I said as Gabe smiled and put his arm around me. "It was like fate or something." He then said. "Yeah like it was our destiny to be together. But I'm just glad that we did." I said as Gabe and I then turned out attention back towards the falls.
We were just sitting there in each other's embrace as I then remembered what happed earlier and felt a little curious. "Hey Gabe?" I asked as Gabe looked back at me and said, "What is it honey?" "What were you and Violet talking about earlier?" I asked as Gabe no head and embarrassed and anxious look on his face. "Oh nothing don't worry about it." He said as my curiosity only grew more and more and I felt a bit angry that he might be keeping a secret from me. "Just tell me, Gabe. I promise I won't be mad. And you know we don't keep secrets from each other, right?" I asked as Gabe just sighed. "OK fine. I was talking to Violet and then she told me that... She's pregnant. With Marlon's baby." He said as that took completely off guard. "Oh holy shit!! Are you fucking serious?! They have been together for months and they are already having a child together? Damn and I thought we took things too fast." I said as we both started giggling. "Yeah and you wanna know the real fucked up thing? She hasn't even told Marlon yet or anyone else for that matter." He said. "Really?! And yet she told you for some reason. Why is that?" I asked. "I honestly have no idea. Maybe she just really trusts me. But she told me that you're the only one I could tell and that we can't tell anyone else until she's ready to make the announcement, OK?" He asked as I nodded my head and said, "OK."
We stayed at the falls for about a few hours until the sun began to set and we left to go home and take care of the kids. We walked up to our front door as Gabe knocked on it. The door that opened up to see Kenny holding Mari on his shoulders like a piggy back ride. "Oh hey guys. You're back." He said as he put Mari off his shoulders and just held her up to his shoulder. "Yep. Thought we would do a little sight seeing after work." Gabe said. "Well that's pretty cool. Well here ya go." He said handing Mari over to me as I held her head on my shoulder. "How were they?" I asked him. "Oh they were great. And Mari can be a little fussy like her mom." Kenny joked as Gabe giggled and I just gave him a look. "Who says I was ever fussy?" I asked Kenny holding my hip with my opposite hand while Mari was in my other. "Oh come on Clementine. You can't deny that when I found you when you were 11, you had a bit of an attitude and were a bit fussy. So don't even lie to me." He said is I just rolled my eyes. "Whatever. OK Mari say goodbye to your grandpa Kenny." I told my infant daughter as I moved her arm to make it look like she was waving at Kenny. "Bye guys. See you in the morning." Kenny said as he lightly pinched Mari's little cheek and walk out.
For the rest of the day we mostly just spent some time with the kids until it was their bedtime. "Ok guys time for bed." Gabe said as AJ let out a slight "Awww." "I'll go tuck in Mari while you tuck in AJ." I offered as Gabe nodded and we went to put the kids to bed. When I got to Mari's room, I began to smell something rancid and heard Mari begin to whimper. I automatically knew what happened. "Uh oh. Does someone need their diaper changed?" I cooed at Mari as I lied her on the changing table and began changing her diaper. Usually it would be Gabe doing this but since he is busy with AJ, I'm stuck doing it and it was super gross. "God, how the fuck does Gabe put up with this??! This is so fucking disgusting." I thought as I removed the diaper, threw it away, wiped Mari's butt and replaced it. "There you go. All better." I cooed at the baby again as Mari could barely keep her eyes open. I placed her in her crib and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead as she was already sound asleep. "Goodnight my little sweetpea." I whispered as I turned out the lamp and left the room. After Gabe was done tucking in AJ, we both stripped down to our underwear and got in bed as well. We snuggled up together as it didn't take very long for us to fall asleep.

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