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1 AM

Dan and Emily were prepared.

    They arrived and saw Jason Voorhees in the dark woods.

    "COME ON JASON! COME AND GET US!" Dan yelled.

    Jason swung his machete.

    It missed the couple.

    Dan shot three arrows from his crossbow.

    They  hit Jason's right leg.

     He grunted and fell to the ground. Fresh blood seeped from the wound. Emily kicked him in the balls.

      Then, in one last final attack, Dan whacked Jason across the head with a axe.

      Jason Voorhees's body thudded to the ground.

     He didn't move.

     "It's over. Jason's dead" Dan said.

      He waited.

      Jason still didn't move.

      Dan grabbed Emily and they ran out of the woods and reached the road. They then waited for a ride into town, knowing that this Friday the 13th was over.

      For now.


Hours passed.

     Then, by 4 AM, Jason Voorhees opened his eyes.

      Everyone was dead. Only some people survived.

      He left the bloody woods.

     It would be a long time before any other campers and counsellors ever returned to Camp Crystal Lake.


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CAMP OF LEGEND PART 10: WOODS OF DEATHWhere stories live. Discover now